Monday, May 11, 2020

Quarantine - week ??

I don't even know what week it is anymore. I have successfully been able to keep track of what day it is and the date so I consider that to be pretty successful! Each day and each week is different, despite the fact that we are living ground hogs day everyday - is that weird? Some days are sunny, some cloudy, some days are crazy at work - full of zoom calls - others are more mellow. I've started taking some pressure of myself throughout the day and working once the kids go to bed. That worked last week anyway. We are bursting with crafts and, our bikes have never been ridden so often and we are meeting a lot of neighbors. Its actually really nice. As much as this new normal is strange and sometimes frustrating, I am starting to love it and actually dread going "back". Is that weird?

As always, I continue to document our days through pictures :)

School :)

Last week we decorated the neighborhood with signs!

The ping pong table has turned into our craft table. 

DJ - O-man. He LOVES playing music from his iPad.

Another trip to the beach!

Our zoom background for Papa's virtual happy hour.

She's learned how to ride her bike with no hands (insert terrified sigh). Videos to come. She can even turn corners!

This week's project - painting flower pots! Emmy even painted one for Gail and Carlton across the street. Her own idea. Between my finger in the garage door and my dads terrible fall - we owe them more than a flower pot...

Emmy's new hobby - editing picture!

Pots, pot and more pots!

Apparently McDonalds (or old McDonalds as Owen calls it) does not let you ride your bike through the drive through. Nice try though!

Every time they take a bath together I assume it'll be their last. Until they hop in again....

 More chalk messages. 

And then we planted flowers in the pots!

Finished products!

Today - Owen washed his cars and I put together a PPT presentation while sitting in a beach chair. See, our new norm isn't that bad! ;) 

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