Friday, January 12, 2018

My littlest Dude is 10 months!

Little Owen, Owie Kazoie, Boozer, is 10 MONTHS (tomorrow). I knew time was going to fly but I didn't expect it to go this quickly! I also never would have imagined how complete I would feel and our family would feel with him in it. I absolutely love having a baby around and this time around I am older (ugh), wiser (at least I think I am), more patient (hopefully) and have definitely learned time FLIES so to not stress about the moment because it is all going to be a distant memory before I know it. So I am just trying to hold onto every moment I can before Owen is no longer this little... I spent some time this week reading about what Emmy and Ryan were doing at 10 months and I so quickly and easily got caught up in reading about how amazing they were and seeing how unbelievably cute they were and still can't get over how fast that went and how big they are! It took reading the blog to make me remember so many memories I almost forgot which taught me a few things. Keep up the blog so I never forget these times and things move so quickly that you really do forget things so fast, especially the difficult stuff like not sleeping.Which brings me to what our little Owie is up to these days....

Well, sleeping is definitely not one of them... It takes a long time of rocking to get his to go to sleep for a nap. When he is home he prefers Josh to put him down (fine by me!) and he is such a little stinker at daycare sometimes he comes home and all he's taken is one 30 minute nap or not one at all! What is truly amazing is that he isn't a complete disaster... He is still up every 2 hours at night and comes into our bed around 4:30a and uses me like a human pacifier until it is time to get up. About every 5-6 days I get pretty frustrated but the other days I am able to keep a loving and patient head on my shoulders and remind me this is the last time I will ever snuggle with a baby over night and I want to enjoy every minute because before I know it the only memory I will have will be this blog. I meant he won't be 2 still using me as a human pacifier? Right???!!

Owen is on the move! He crawls everywhere, pulls himself up on everything and makes a mess everywhere he goes. He currently loves pulling all the games off the shelf and playing with those magnet dress up people. He and Sadie sit and chew on all the pieces. You'd think I would just move it but no I just continue to pick it up all day long...  He also loves to play with the huge bin of duplo legos. Maybe he will just skip the baby blocks? He likes to fine little pieces of anything on the floor (String, paper, hair ties, etc) and is obsessed with Sadie and her toys.

He LOVES Sadie! He follows her around and tries to steal her toys. He thinks it is so funny when she barks or does her crazy running around the house. Sadie has definitely added a new layer that we didn't have with the other 2. I am constantly watching to make sure they are sharing their toys nicely and that she  doesn't knock Owen down by accident. But she is honestly so sweet with him, it has surprised me from day one. It is really cool to see.

He loves Emmy and Ryan. Although he doesn't follow either one as much as Ryan followed Emmy. Maybe because there are 3? Or there is a bigger age gap? Or Sadie seems more interesting right now?! Ha! But they sure ADORE him. He is still the cutest thing in the whole entire world to them. Emmy is in his face all the time - making him laugh, picking him up, being loud and hyping him up. Ryan is more quiet and sweet. Sometimes I look over and he is gently playing with him and showing him how to do something. It melts my heart.

He is a stubborn eater. He loves sweet potatoes, grapes, blueberries, pineapple, crackers and puffs. He will also eat pb sandwiches, grilled cheese and pizza but REFUSES to eat any meat. I've tried everything and cooked it every different way. I even hid a piece in a french fry and he tossed it. BUT he eats from the kitchen at school and eats anything they give him! Little shit. Also when he decides he is done eating his starts feeding things to Sadie. I yell no! He smiles and keeps doing it. He's also starting saying "eat it" when he gives it to her. Oh geez, no wonder Sadie is up to 84 pounds...

Just like the other 2 he loves the bath, cruising around the hood in the red car and take walks in the carrier facing out. He like the swings at the park and I think it going to be a climber. He already started climbing up the slide!  He loves putting shapes in his new toy car. I help and he pushes them in. He loves his I see a monster book and pointing at animals.He's started playing pee-a-boo with his bath towel and surprisingly does not pull his socks off his feet. He isn't a huge fan of being in the car unless Ryan is sitting next to me.

He is making a TON of sounds and practicing different letters but isn't really saying a lot. He's got dada down and I swear he calls me that too. I must tell him 5 times a day "no I am mama!". I swear he says "I did it", "all done" and "eat it". He also says dog. A lot.

No matter what anyone says - Owen looks exactly like me! I look at him and I see myself, my siblings, cousins, my family. I never felt that with Emmy and Ryan, well, because they don't look like me! I look into Owen's big black eyes and I see myself and it makes me so unbelievably happy that he is here, he my son (well both Josh and my son :) )  and he completes our family.

He is the messiest eater I have ever seen!

You know you are a "big" mess when you have to clean noodles our of your rolls

Look! He's actually sleeping!

My little monster

He loves to dig through the cupboard and pull the oatmeal out and then sadie grabs a bag and runs around the house. Sigh...

No caption needed

We actually got this gate for Sadie and man has it come in handy. Although now Owen knows how to open it. What?!

Ahhh, see my food! Eat it. He always has his right foot up on the side :) 

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