Sunday, September 18, 2022

Back at it!

  Sports are officially back in full effect! Emmy started rowing a few weeks ago so between that and gymnastics she is committed to sports 5 days a week. Ryans shoulder is feeling good, so he played in both a flag football and baseball game this weekend! And Owen had his first soccer game - scored 5 of the 7 goals for his team. As crazy as it makes our schedules, it was fun to be back on the field this weekend :)

I don't have any pics of Emmy rowing but I did get to take advantage of this beautiful view! While Emmy and Madison were at rowing I walked 5 miles around the bay - pretty damn lucky!

Out the door for 2 games!

I couldn't watch Ryan's game because it was the same time as Owen's so action shots for the next post!

O-dog killed it on the soccer field!

It sure was good to see him back on the mound today! He loved up a division so the mount is further from the plate and the bases are also further apart but he still did awesome!

These two were happy campers with their nachos, its been a few months since they've had fake cheese - Haha


Owen seems to be doing well at school other than the fact he told me that kindergarten is serious and it isn't fun :( Hopefully that changes soon... He does get to see Ryan and his friends all the time and I think Ryan is really loving his role of big bro. 

Ryan walks Owen into school every morning holding his hand. Melts my heart!

The other day Owen asked to wear his baseball uniform to school and I said of course! He used to wear it 3-4 days a week at kindercare so thought maybe he'd feel like himself again at school

Lunch with your love! I got to go to school and eat with him las week.

We start our mornings with a scooter rider around the loop. I don't know who loves it more - the boys or Sadie!

Owen's class was paired with a 4th grade class for reading buddies - Lucky Owen got paired with Ryan's buddy Trey  :)

And I learned it was Ryan's doing - he arranged the partnership with Mrs. Huntsman. Sweet boys!

Friday, September 9, 2022

San Diego Summer

 It is always a sad time of the year as we approach the end of summer... and then I remember summer in San Diego is just getting started! We've tried to jam in some good beach and bay days before sports kick back in!

A little In n Out bayside with my littlest man!

Dinner at Coastera 

Boogey boarding buddies 

Emmy's basketball team won the summer league championship!

A sunset boogey boarding session - it really doesn't get much better than that.

Every morning Ryan walks Owen into school holding his hand - melts my heart.

Josh treated the boys to a mid-school week Padres game! Of course Owen made into onto the TV Broadcast! HA!