Emmy has been having a rough time the past month. She is having trouble concentrating on school since she is stuck in her room in front of a computer for 8 hours a day, she's missing her friends and desperately wants to go back to school and she's almost 12 (insert eye roll). It is so hard to see and there is not much I can to do help. She started playing basketball again - outside with masks on - which has been another way for her to get exercise and she friends. But gymnastics is her livelihood right now. I swear it is the only thing that puts a smile on her face. She stays very connected with her friends on her team, watches it all the time and is constantly doing handstands and tricks on the trampoline - until 2 weeks before Christmas.... Marc and Kristen came over for a social distance gathering in the backyard and within 20 minutes, she landed on her hand awkwardly and broke her middle finger on her RIGHT hand. NOOOOO! Her hand looked pretty mangled and I actually thought it was worse than that so I rushed her to the hospital (she told me I panicked, I thought I was being intentional. haha) and now the poor kid has a cast on until January 12th and probably a splint after that. So basically all of the things that have kept her same (including drawing and braiding her hair) so can no longer do, Sniff, sniff. Hang in there monkey - one day you will look back at this time and it will be a crazy moment of your life and this will be another one of our adventures that we will cherish so much.
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