Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sweet Owie

Owen is growing up so fast - too fast. He is 2 1/2 and when Emmy hot this age we started thinking about having #2 and when Ryan hit this age we started thinking about #3 and now when Owen is this age, well, I just have to watch them grow. Sniff, sniff. I am trying to hold onto every little moment, despite hoe challenging they can be. Its been a while since I documented everything O-man so I thought I should before it is all a distant memory.

- Everyone still calls him Owie. Or just "O" (he is that cool)
- He still calls Emmy "Emmys" and Ryan "Ra ra" (even though he can say Ryan)
- He sleeps through the night (wahoo) but wakes up every day at 6:30a screaming "mama" and "I go downstairs!"
- I rock him and pat his back every night until he falls asleep
- He loves to reach the same duck book I read Ryan and Emmy, the same Elmo Valentine's book and his new favorite is the snow man one
- He loves to sweep and pretend to vacuum
- He is still a breakfast guys -  still loves oatmeal, cereal, toast but is obsessed with pancakes
- He is STUBBORN and very DETERMINED. He screams easily and gets frustrated easily and if we can upset or angry he looks us in the face and says "So sad mommy" and walks away. Little shit.
- He had gotten really good at riding his bike and his scooter
- He wants to do everything Ryan does - he even tries to wear his clothes!
- He absolutely loves Emmy. He cries when we drop her off and says "my Emmy"
- He loves watching Blippi on You Tube (A 30-something guy who has made millions!" and Sesame street. He won't sit long enough to watch anything else.
- He loves his teachers at school, we sing a good night song about them
- He always wants to "help" especially when I am in the kitchen - he drags the kitchen chair around everywhere.
- He is still very much a mamas boy. He always wants me and even loves to snuggle with me and his baba. I will take it as long as I can! He is such a stinker though - yelled at Josh - leave me alone!
- His favorite thing to do is go to Ra ra's soccer and baseball games. He wears his full Lakers uniform because he thinks he looks like Ra ra
- He loves the bath and wears his super Owie towel every night.
- He is very friendly - Even remembered our painters name greeted him the other day "Hi Victor"
- He is obsessed with garbage trucks (isn't every boy?!)
- He has started going in the potty but I am trying to keep him in diapers until this remodel is done. Ha!
- He asks at least a few times a week to go to the beach :)
- Everything is "I do it!"
- He was on a kick recently when he was always asking "is that funny?" and "just kidding" - he really is a jokester.
- He calls every stuffed animal "big bear" which is funny because Emmy called all hers puppets
- Every night before he goes to sleep he sticks his little hand outside his crib and I hold it as I pat his pack with the other :)
- If I say pssst - he answers with I love you :)

He is so sweet, and smart, and determined, can be a total pain and a challenge but I just want to freeze time and bottle him up at this little stay and keep it FOREVER!

He insists on wearing his sunglasses like this

Ryan's cleats - he has big shoes to fill!

Preparing to be a big cousin 

Cooking class at school. His favorite day of the week!

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