Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Not just an athlete

These kids keep amazing me everyday. Ryan came home a few weeks ago and told us about a club he was starting with some friends. I figured it was another "club" with some buddies but little did I know what he was working on. After reading an article in the classroom about a bully, him and his friends got the idea to start a pokemon club - somewhere people could go if they didn't have something to do or someone to hang out with. They talked to their teacher and then presented the idea to the Principal. She worked with them over the past few weeks to flush out the ideas and write a speech so they could present it to the school and invite them to participate. I was able to go and listen this morning and could not have been more proud (as usual). I love that not only did he do this with some new friends and it isn't sports related, he went through the whole thought process, stayed committed and spoke in front of the school. He goes to a pretty amazing school too, they encouraged them to do this. And Emmy and all her friends are going to go to the first meeting :)

1 comment:

  1. Jenny - I'm very impressed. Congratulations to Ryan!
    Aunt Debbie
