Thursday, March 14, 2019

Owie is TWO

I think the last 2 years have flown by faster than any before. Happy 2nd Birthday Owie! You keep us on our toes every second of the day with your love for adventure and exploration, your strong will and determination, your desire to be much bigger than you are and your laughter and sense of humor. You wear your emotions on your sleeve (which is a polite way of saying you throw killer tantrums all day long) but you light up our world with your smiles. A few things you are doing on your second birthday:

-         -  Finally sleeping! The time change sure worked to our advantage this year – now instead of waking up every day at 5:15a, 6:15a seems a lot more reasonable. I still rock you to sleep (standing up) even though you don’t make daddy rock you. I am going to enjoy it until you don’t want me to anymore or my back breaks – whichever comes first.

-       -    Not eating a whole lot. Nothing frustrates me more than a picky eater so naturally my 3rd kid is the pickiest eater I’ve ever experienced! Your diet consists of oatmeal, foaf (aka nanas banana and zucchini bread) toast, yogurt, caca (oatmeal squares cereal) and some spotty fruits – apples, cantaloupe and grapes. Apparently, you eat more at school and you certainly don’t look like you are starving so you must be getting calories from somewhere?!

-        -   You adore “Emmis”, “Ra ra” and “Seedie”. You copy everything Emmy does and sometimes prefers to snuggle with her than me, you wrestle with Ryan and play ball and chase him and around and you love when Sadie goes crazy running around the house or backyard.

-       -    Emmy and Ryan’s friends have become yours, or almost like your family. Reese! Riley! Audrey! Baby Emily! William! They all get screams and hugs.

-       -    You are still obsessed with Elmo – it is the only show you will watch so we’ve all learned every Sesame street song imaginable.

-       -    One of your favorite pairs of PJs have monkeys on them which you still call “Fokeys” and Emmy and Ryan think it is the funniest thing ever when you say it

-        -   You love to give kisses and make really love sound effects. Every time I say “pssst” you whisper back “I wove you” and it melts my heart

-        -   Your favorite game to play is hide-and-go seek, you love garbage trucks (I mean who doesn’t?!) dogs, taking walks, playing with your tools and playing with legos and magna tiles.

-      -     You are really into “helping” right now and want to do everything by yourself! It can be frustrating sometimes but I know I will appreciate it in the future J

-      -    You love your baths but are also turning into a shower guy. Only issue is you never want to get out!

-   - You found your swim trunks from last year and came running yelling BEACH! I can’t wait to hit the beach with you this summer – I just know you are going to be the biggest sand monster and I can’t wait!

You are a free spirit, a happy-go-lucky, friendly, amazingly adorable little dude with my black eyes who I love and adore and want to squeeze every minute of every day! J

The kids were so excited that it was Owen's birthday! It was super cute. Josh had to go out of town this week so we celebrated on Sunday and then all week long :) We put up decorations and Owen kept saying "Happy birthday Owie"

-       - 

They both bought him cards and wrote in them for him. So sweet 

Squeezed in  softball game Tuesday night

He's always smiling!

Good morning from his new space ship tent!

I took the day off of work to hang out with the little guy on his special day. Just like I did for Ryan and Emmy growing up. It was the best to hang just the two of us and not have to be anywhere - for a few hours anyway ;) 
We went to Sea World to see Elmo who doesn't show up during the week. Oh well. He was totally digging the seals and penguins. So cute!

We rode this a few times :) 

It sure is tiring being TWO!

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