Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ready to Tackle the Week

I am not going to sugar coat it, lately my work weeks have sucked. There have been some interesting things going on at work (when I say interesting, it is not a good thing), they are hectic I don't feel like I have enough time to do anything - cook, clean, spend time with Emmy, maybe have a moment or 2 alone... Sometimes I feel like I am trying to figure out the rest of ours lives, but nothing seems to be falling into place. It seems as though I am waiting for something to happen, something to change because it is bound to happen eventually? In the meantime, I am tasked with figuring out how better tackling the weeks and "go with the flow".

#1 - Yoga!
Yoga has always been something that has helped me mentally by focusing on the moment, slowing down and not worrying about what is next. After going for 6+ years, I have not gone since Emmy is born because I never have time or money. Starting last week, I have made it part of my weekly routine once again. I found a class near our house that is at 8:30pm, so after Emmy is in bed. It also happens to be one of those hot classes, 100+ degrees hot. I had never done a hot class before and it was amazing. Nothing is better that stretching muscles you didn't realize you had, challenging yourself in poses you didn't think were possible for a body to do and sweating like you have never sweat in your life. I already feel like a new person.

#2 - Running
I used to hate running but since it is the only kind of exercise I can get with Emmy in the stroller, I have started in the last year. I try to run once a week, or more if needed, and run on average 4 - 5 miles each time. There is no better way to get out aggression and frustration than running. If you ever want to clear your head, run until you can't run anymore!

#3 - Organization
I know this may sound a little ridiculous to some, but I plan what we are going to have for dinner, for the entire week, on Saturday. That way I have all the ingredients, I can plan on left overs for lunches and can plan around nights I know I may get home late, etc. There is no way I can get home at the end of the day, when Emmy is exhausted and hungry, and try and figure out what to have for dinner. I already know this week is going to be busy so today I:
- Did 2 loads of laundry
- Made macaroni from scratch for tomorrow night's dinner (Enough for dinner and two lunches. Some left over ground turkey for burritos later in the week = 4 meals)
- Steamed carrots and butternut squash for Emmy's snacks and lunches
- Made eggplant parmesan for dinner tonight (and my lunch tomorrow)
- Cleaned the kitchen

I put on my ipod and listened to some music and did it all while Emmy was napping - 2 hours flat :)

I have to say I feel good, ready to tackle the week!!


  1. I started doing a spin class and that really helps me clear my head too.
    Praying for you to have a great week cousin!!!

  2. Awesome! I plan my meals for 2 weeks ahead of time!!! :) People think I'm nuts. Wow does it save time and money.

    You just started running less than a year ago and can run 4-5 miles? You're my hero!! I think if I ran a half mile I'd be shocked, then I'd fall over and die! :)
