Monday, January 11, 2010

San Diego Winter

For those of you who are freezing your butts off in snow, you may not want to read further....

We are having a typical "San Diego Winter" it has been 75 and sunny for the past week. It is the perfect weather, warm during the day and cold at night. I put the heat on in the car on the way to work and the AC on the way home. This time of year I am usually complaining that I want some gloomy weather but now that I have a little monkey who likes to play outside, bring on the sun! We spent a lot of time outside this weekend exploring the new hood. I had to dig out the sunscreen and even shave the legs.

During a walk last week Anne and I stumbled upon this random man-made pond not far from our house. After further exploring there is actually another one around the corner!

Josh doing some yard work, it is so fun to have a yard :)

Emmy catching up on some reading in the sun

The view from the park by our house. It isn't ON the Bay but at least we still have a VIEW of the bay and the ocean. It was beautiful!

Well, I guess it is supposed to get cloudy next week and may even rain! Looks like I may need to temporarily put the sunscreen away.

1 comment:

  1. Just so happens that the one week that I visit it is 50s/60s and rainy. Go figure! I am enjoying the 21 degrees and snow thank you very much (haha - NOT AT ALL)!!!
