Once Emmy figures out how to do something it doesn't take her long to get the hang of it. She started pulling herself to standing less than a month ago and she is already standing on her own! She pulls herself up with one hand and then lets go. The real reason she uses one hand is because she will NEVER let go of her big bird. It is her new security blanket, she takes it EVERYWHERE. You will see her buddy in the pictures below. It is pretty cute and at least I can wash it! She started taking steps while pushing a box this weekend. I think it may be a matter of time before she is walking. Doesn't she look like an old lady with a walker? Where did my baby girl go?!
Who needs the bumbo chair anymore?
Checking out the rain
Mom, what's for dinner?
So cute! I can't wait for her Emmy and Riette to play together on Sat.:)