Monday, December 28, 2009

Cherish the Moment

I am not big on New Year's resolutions. People's resolutions are usually on the superficial side like wanting to loose weight, hit the gym more, save money, etc. I do think a new year brings an opportunity to make a change for the better whether it is a change in actions or thinking. I think since it is a new decade it is an even more appropriate time to try and make a change for the better.

I tend to worry too much about the future. I am always worrying about tomorrow, next week or even next year. Maybe this has to do with the fact that I am a media planner so I am planning schedules up to a year in advance. So, it is hard not to think about the future when I can tell you what day of the week your b-day will fall on next year. I also find myself worry about "what if''s", situations that have not yet happened. I know, what a waste of time....

This past weekend Emmy woke up crying around 10p which she never does. So I picked her up to comfort her and get her back to sleep. I nursed her as I always do but then she just lay and cuddled up in my arms. Emmy is not a cuddler so this was the first time she actually let me hold her that close. She just lay in my arms as I hummed a song and she fell asleep. This was one of the most precious moments ever. A time when nothing else in the world matters and the kind you never want to end. I held her for almost an hour just staring at her innocent, beautiful face, thinking I want to remember this moment forever. I never want to miss out on that kind of moment because I am worrying about the next day or stressing about something that doesn't really matter. I am not stating a resolution but am vowing to cherish the moment because they may never happen again.


  1. Alright, now u have me crying!
    What a sweet moment, and what an encouraging story!

  2. I completely agree with you! I can get too caught up in what I want Kailyn to be doing rather than just letting her be a messy, crazy kid. I worry too much about the small details sometime. I just need to enjoy the simplicity of their childhood while it is here!!! Happy New Years you guys <3
