Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hip Update

I took Emery to the specialist this week and after waiting 1 1/2 hours and getting a set of x-rays I didn't receive the news I wanted to hear.  They want to put her in the pavlik harness for 2 months.  The harness straps around her chest and down her legs to keep her legs out and properly in the socket.  She wouldn't be able to wear anything but onesies and leg warmers under it and would be in it 20 -23 hours per day.  So, pretty much constantly.  You can imagine Josh and my concern so we are going to get a second opinion.  If the second doctor also recommends it, we'll have to put her in it.  Poor thing :(  We'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. what happened with her hip? we will be praying that she is ok
