Friday, May 1, 2009


No one is going to believe me but Emery fell asleep last night at 8p and woke up this morning at 6am!  Yes, she slept 10 hours, she really does take after her dad!  She was in a great mood when she woke up and was super chatty.  Here are a few videos of her conversations with her mommy and daddy this morning.


  1. Lane just did that last night! 8:30-6. Granted he woke up twice, but he put himself back to sleep. Ahhhhhhhhh. He was so happy too.

    Yea for sleep!

  2. That is so awesome Jen!!! Emmy is finally getting the hang of this sleeping thing. I remember Charlie was 8 weeks old when he first slept through the night. Hope you weren't too "sore" in the morning :) She is such a doll...can't wait to meet that little one!
