Sunday, May 31, 2009


Emery has been able to hold things in her hand if we put it there, but last week she actually reached for a toy on her own!  It was so cute, she was on her changing table and I put her little duck on her stomach.  She reached for it was both hands and held it up.  Now I am obsessed with giving her toys to figure our which is her favorite.  I think she likes whatever she can put in her mouth :)

On a personal note, since summer is coming I decided so whip my butt back into shape.  I ordered Tracy Anderson's post pregnancy workout video (apparently she is Gweneth Paltrow's personal trainer) and it kicked my butt!  It is all abs, butt and arms and I don't think I could've done it before I was pregnant!  She recommends doing it 4-6 time per week (yeah right) so we'll see if doing it once or twice a month will show any results ;)

A little clip of her in action

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

3 months old

I can't believe my little monkey is 3 months old!!  We celebrated Emery's 3 month birthday and Memorial Day with my family up at my parents house.  It was a nice relaxing weekend.  We spent lots of time in the sun, drinking Coronas around the pool, watching basketball and of course playing with Emery!  

She is growing so much every day it is just amazing.  Despite sleeping in her new pack-n-play for the first time, she continued her wonderful sleeping habits.  3-4 naps a day and 9-10 straight hours at night :)  The mattress material was slicker than her crib so she was moving all around.  The first night I went to check on her I found her sideways!


She has also really loves watching basketball.  I try not to have the TV on because she will stare at it no matter where she is in the room.   I am sure she'd be happy to watch anything on TV but basketball just happens to be on all the time lately :)  Here she is watching the big game with her dad, uncle and papa.


I have been trying to get some tummy time in each day which has been difficult because she doesn't like it.  I guess it has paid of because all of a sudden she started lifting her head.  So strong!

A few more cute pics :)


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Getting to know the family

Lucky Emery has had the opportunity to spend time with almost all of her loving family members over the course of the past few weeks.  She has spent time with Nannie and Papa, Uncle Marc, Auntie Julie and this past week, Grandma and Grandpa.  I have to say it has been so wonderful to see how happy she is around her family who she is just getting to know but it is even more wonderful to see everyone just falls in love with her.  Now that she is a little older she is showing off her sweet, happy personality.  Jill and Craig stayed with her Tuesday while I went to work and as soon as I got home, I saw it in their eyes, they were in love!  Craig even got to dress her up in the dress he was eyeing all day, I think he is really enjoying finally having a little girl in the family :)  The hardest part is having to say goodbye but I can assure each and everyone one of you, we talk about you all to her constantly and I promise to keep the pictures and videos coming so you won't miss a thing.

A few pics from this week

Hanging out with Grandpa.  Unfortunately I didn't get one with Grandma! Jill, you have to send me a few hundred of the pictures I know you took :)

What a cutie!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A new voice

All of a sudden last week Emery started making a new sound.  A loud voice!  Not sure if she learned it from daycare or what but she has been quite chatty these past few days!  She has also started catching herself in the mirror.  She usually hates being on her tummy but stayed a little longer this morning once she saw herself in her fish.

Auntie Julie was in town last week to babysit and did an amazing job considering I don't think she's ever looked after an infant.  Must be auntie instincts :)  

Hanging out with Auntie Julie

Staring at herself in the mirror

Chatting away!

Hip Update

I took Emery to the specialist this week and after waiting 1 1/2 hours and getting a set of x-rays I didn't receive the news I wanted to hear.  They want to put her in the pavlik harness for 2 months.  The harness straps around her chest and down her legs to keep her legs out and properly in the socket.  She wouldn't be able to wear anything but onesies and leg warmers under it and would be in it 20 -23 hours per day.  So, pretty much constantly.  You can imagine Josh and my concern so we are going to get a second opinion.  If the second doctor also recommends it, we'll have to put her in it.  Poor thing :(  We'll keep you posted.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day Weekend and Monday Day Care

Happy Mother's Day!  We had a great weekend just hanging out, spending time together.  Josh and Emery spoiled me on my first Mothers Day.  I got a beautiful necklace and a gift certificate for a massage!  Which is much needed after carrying around our little cutie all the time :)  I am spoiled and so very lucky to have such a wonderful husband and little girl.

Marc came to visit Emmy Sunday afternoon and boy did she love her time with Uncle Marc!  He stayed the night in SD and was supposed to leave today but had so much fun he decided to stay through tonight because he just had to see her again!  She took a 3 hour nap this afternoon  and he patiently waited for her to wake so he could play with her some more.

Well, I did it.  I took her to daycare this morning.  The tears started as soon as I woke up this morning and kept pouring until I got to work.  Josh came with me to drop her off this morning.  I packed her a bag with clothes, toys and things I thought she'd recognize and then I had to hand her over.  I was able to check in as much as I wanted so knew she was doing okay.  I arranged with work to pick her up at noon and work from home this afternoon.  When I arrived to pick her up this afternoon she was asleep in a swing.  I was provided a full update on when she slept, ate, changed, etc.  The teachers there are very nice and do a great job of trying to make me feel more relaxed.  I made it through the first day, hopefully tomorrow will be a little easier....

My first Mothers Day with my girl

Playing with Uncle Marc


Tummy Time

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I survived

my first week back at work.  The rest of the week wasn't too bad primarily because I came home for lunch each day to see Emmy and was able to work from home on Friday.  Work has been an adjustment.  The mornings are a little hectic, to say the least.  All I kept thinking about was how I am going to get us both ready by myself, it was hectic even with my mom's help!  Pumping at work really sucks.  I thought it was a process at home but it is a real ordeal at the office.  Between hooking everything up on my desk and trying not to spill anything on my clothes, or computer, it takes quite a bit longer than it does at home.  I sure have taken my relationship my the girl I share my office with to a whole new level!  

Next week is going to be extra tough because we have to take her to daycare.   I think I was okay at work last week because I knew she was with my mom.  We are going to try our best to limit her time there for the next month or so until she is a little older.  So, next week I am going to be able to work half days and then Auntie Julie is coming to town so she can spend some time with her little niece!  The following week Grandma and Grandpa Lawrence will be in town so lucky Emmy will be able to spend some more time at home.  Hopefully this way we'll all be able to ease into the whole daycare situation.

I know everyone is more interested in seeing pics of Emmy than hearing about my days so here are a few from this week.

Don't bother me I am tired!

Getting all the kisses I can before heading to work

The family after a LONG day...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Dreaded Day...

has come and gone.  I survived my first day back at work.  I left Emmy this morning sleeping in her crib and apparently she slept pretty much the whole day away!  I think Nannie and Papa were a little disappointed :)  I walked into my office and the girls had printed pictures of her and hung them all over my office!  It made me tear up AGAIN.  I have to say I am pretty damn tired but at least I made it through the first day.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a little easier...

Friday, May 1, 2009


No one is going to believe me but Emery fell asleep last night at 8p and woke up this morning at 6am!  Yes, she slept 10 hours, she really does take after her dad!  She was in a great mood when she woke up and was super chatty.  Here are a few videos of her conversations with her mommy and daddy this morning.