Saturday, January 29, 2022

Rounding out the first month of the new year!

 We sure hit the ground running in the new year with basketball, gymnastics, friends. work, a new outlook on health and life, etc. Some pics to tell the story of the last month. 

Believe it or not - Josh and I both had January 3rd off and all 3 kids were at school! We wanted to do something different (especially since Josh is doing a dry January and me a light one) so we went on an awesome 6 month hike!

It was no joke! I was sore at the end of it but it was so fun! We actually got to talk, walk and see San Diego. Best way to start the new year

Following the theme of health, we went to Annie's Canyon a hike we've been wanting to try for a really long time and it did not disappoint!

It was TIGHT!

Owen is still wearing a baseball jersey to school every day...

Ryan is dominating the court - in a mask! I don't know how he does it

Emmy had her first meet of the season in Long Beach - also competing wearing a MASK!

A little pit stop to shop on the way home :)

Back in SD - The boys went to the monster truck jam! Owen is still talking about Grave Digger :)

The trolley just extended to Clairemont so they took it downtown.

A little drawing of Martin Luther King after they both learning about him at school :)

Sadie - still living her best life

We've never let her on our bed but recently she's been sneaking up, moving all the pillows and laying right where we sleep! The more Josh tells her know, the more she creeps to his side of the bed. Hahaha

Josh and Ryan went to a SDSU basketball game!

And we held down the fort playing a matching game

Ryan played his first season of fantasy football. Marc helped him during the draft but for the rest of the season, he was on his own! I don't understand all you do but know he was very committed to reviewing/trading players throughout the season and WON!

O-dog is one of a kind

Emmy got to spend the day at Sea World with all her friends. I hope they know how lucky they are!

I am learning to accept ipad time. They always sit so close they are touching and are able to play each other. I guess its the same as what we did growing up when we played Nintendo

Most of Emmy's friends are playing basketball are were split on two teams so I took her and 2 friends to watch them play against each other Friday night. These girls are some ballers!

Meet #2! Her new leo is so pretty :)

Last year only one person could watch each gymnast so this is the first time in two years the boys got to see her compete

It was one of the longest meets - it took 3 hours and they were so patient but squeezed in a little monster truck game to kill the time

Beam - 1st! 
Bars - 1st!
Vault - 3rd!
All around - second! 0.2 away from first! 
So proud of this girl

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Happy New Year!

 Emmy was the only one with new years plans this year - she had her annual sleep over at Riley's house. Which turned into a COVID party (everyone got it BUT Emmy) but that's a story for another blog post...

Me and the boys chilled and I had a side kick with me until midnight - me and Ryan had a blast!

We drank cider

played games

cooked dinner

made sundaes


harassed Emmy at her party by sending her a million snap chats

And woke Daddy up at midnight to celebrate - happy new year!

For New Years Day we headed down to the beach to finally enjoy some sun. A great way to start a new year :)

Maybe this year we won't be wearing chin straps in all our photos?

Josh getting all artsy with his photo skills

This kid is always smiling :)

This about sums up life right now

More forced family fun! ;) 

My beauty is growing up SO FAST