Friday, June 18, 2021

A special weekend

 A few weeks ago we traveled up to Modesto to honor to very important men - Craig and Papa T. It was a very bitter sweet weekend. Josh comes from a very big family (at least compared to mine!) full of amazing aunts, uncles, cousins, kids and extended family. It was really great to be reunited with them all and of course see Jill. We spent time at Josh's aunt Julie's chasing cats, swimming, digging for bugs and playing baseball. There was a really lovely ceremony at her house where lots of people sharing many stories and lots of music was played. There were a few moments that stood out for me that I will always remember.

I knew Craig loved baseball and played in the minor leagues. I knew he coached the boys growing up but I never realized for how long and through high school! I heard stories about him arriving to the field hours before the game and just how much he loved to be out there and I see all of that in Josh. He learned it all from his dad. Craig would be so proud of him. The whole family played baseball for hours into the night hitting balls over fences and playing catch with whoever picked up a glove. With the sun goring down behind the almond trees, it looked like a scene out of a movie and it was a beautiful way to honor and carry our Craig's traditions. Jill was so strong and an inspiration at how to look at life, enjoy every moment and always look at the positive. None of us wanted to leave but look forward to hopefully reuniting with everyone sooner than later. 

This kid is like the energizer bunny - he never falls asleep!

Zoom school where ever we go!

Me House. A lab corgie mix. Me and Emmy were obsessed. 

Meet Brother Ray. Owen was obsessed!

This poor cat. Ha!

We met the friendliest horses I've ever seen!

This one LOVED Ryan 

Josh found his new passion - Karaoke! I will spare him the videos :)

So great to see the boys. Elijah is as tall as Josh!

Sweet boy fell asleep during the ceremony

Playing with bugs :)

Jill surrounded by all her grandchildren 

It only took a few minutes for Emmy to get reaquainted with her cousins 

All of the adult cousins 

And with their kids!

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