Monday, February 1, 2021

COVID Vaccinations

I feel like we've entered into a new phase of COVID. It feels like nothing has changed and everything has changed at the same time. The country, and world, were able to develop a COVID vaccination in record time and now vaccinations are being distributed world-wide which is a complex task that none of us really understand the magnitude of. I've said it before but working for a hospital, an academic medical center at that, during COVID has given me insight that I normally wouldn't have had. UC San Diego Health was one of two institutions to receive the first batches of vaccines in San Diego and we immediately began distributing them to health care workers. Fortunately, for me, I somehow fell into that category. If I could've handed over that vaccine to my parents, teachers or anyone with an underlying health condition, I would've. But I couldn't so my contribution to society was getting myself vaccinated. I received my second dose yesterday and the described side effects of chills, body ache and headache were spot on! My arm hurts so bad it was really hard to get comfortable last night but this is all short lived and a small price to pay. 

UC San Diego Health also partnered with the Padres and the County to stand up the first vaccination super station in the state, in a matter of 5 days. We've been vaccinating 5k people a day. I've volunteered two times now, a pretty cool thing to be a part of. The first day I was an observer, reporting any reactions (fortunately there weren't any) and the second day I checked people in. I arrived at 6a and after a 15 minute crash course in EPIC, I was thrown into deciphering if people's credentials actually qualified them to be vaccinated. Let's just say it was one of the more stressful days I've had in a while but at the same time a very proud moment. People were so grateful to be there and that we all volunteered our time! We are standing up a second station on campus next week. It is a slow but extremely complex process, especially for the most populous state in the US! I do feel like we've entered this new phase of the "haves" and "have nots" - those who have and have not received their vaccine. Honestly, I keep my mouth shut right now....  There are so many glimmers of hope yet set backs with new variants that are predicted to spike in the upcoming months. Its like 2 steps forward and then 1 step back, constantly. I just try and enjoy each moment, finding the joy and positive moments, knowing that things will only continue to change. What a crazy time!

Michelle, my partner in crime at work

Ariel view of the super station 

Someone from work took this pic. Ha!

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