Thursday, January 16, 2020

"Best week of my Life"

We, particularly Emmy, had an epic week last week! For the past few months, Emmy has been preparing for a school field trip to Biz Town. The students had to learn about and apply for a job and were required to work it for a day, while also living as a citizen in the "town". Without any influence of mine, she applied for a got the job of CEO/CFO of channel 933, which happened to be the station I worked at during and after college! So I used some connections and arranged for her and 3 friends to take a tour. I thought it could be cool to see the real station before she went to biz town. Well, the station outdid itself! Emmy, Luci, Riley and Kylee had their own script to reach and recorded a spot, they hung out with multiple DJs during their live show but with one in particular who played it live on the air! They were absolutely ecstatic and I was the coolest mom in the world for a day :)

Thursday I took the day off of work to go to biz town and I have to admit it was the coolest place ever! I was so impressed. Each CFO had to apply for business loans, pay their employees, make money for their business, etc. There were 21 businesses there ranging from banks (where they all "cashed" their paychecks and had to balance their check books), dentist, Kaiser, jack n the box, cox communications, UPS, NBC a pet adoption agency, etc. It was amazing. And then at the end of the day Emmy snapped at Ryan saying "I have been behind a computer all day and I have a headache and I am exhausted!". Ha! Welcome to my world :)

Working hard!

Look - no pony tail!

Friday deserves its own post....

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