I've actually been having a tough time with it. I tried to sell the crib online and then was so frustrated haggling over cost - I mean it was the crib all my babies slept in! I know it might not be worth much but it is full of so many memories. So we are donating it and I hope it goes to someone who really needs it.... Owen is still in diapers at night but it will be crazy to not have to buy them anymore! He likes to poop alone in the bathroom with the door shut. I often find him on his mini potty and Ryan on the big one. Brothers who poop together must be best friends for life, right?!
As sad as I am to let go of the baby (Thank God Marc and Kristen are having a baby I can snuggle soon!) Owen is entering the little man stage which is so fun! He has quite the personality and is so affectionate. If I ever get angry at him for something he says "but mommy I love you". He asks me to "nuggle him" all the time. His current favorite things to watch are the cartoon grinch movie, Despicable Me 3 (which he calls mims), nemo, Toy Story 3, Sesame Street or Blippi (A You Tube Star who drive us nuts but Owen LOVES him). His new thing is "I love my family" and "snuggle time!" and we all snuggle. He calls me mommy most of the time unless he wants something and he calls me mom. Its really funny. I just love him to bits.
"Do I look Handsome?"
Snuggle time!
Ryan started his basketball season so of course Owen had to suit up in his Lakes uniform and shoot around at half time.
Big boy beds!!!
These two have a very special bond
Loving his new shark shoes which were a hand-me-down from Greyson :)
I just found this on my phone. aha!
He is really into "activities" basically anything he can glue. Both Emmy and Ryan were gone the other night so we got some good quality crafting time together.
Undie dance!
Speaking of big, the Santoro crew came over last weekend and they are all huge!
More activities with "Ra ra".
I mean if the big kids can do it, why can't I?