Friday, January 24, 2020

Big Boy (sniff sniff)

The first few weeks of 2020 have just flown by and just in the blink of an eye, we've found ourselves in a whole new stage. Owen is not officially in a big boy bed and is no longer wearing diapers! When Ryan hit this stage, I was already working on convincing Josh for #3 so it is really sad to think this is it - no more babies in our house :(

I've actually been having a tough time with it. I tried to sell the crib online and then was so frustrated haggling over cost - I mean it was the crib all my babies slept in! I know it might not be worth much but it is full of so many memories. So we are donating it and I hope it goes to someone who really needs it.... Owen is still in diapers at night but it will be crazy to not have to buy them anymore! He likes to poop alone in the bathroom with the door shut. I often find him on his mini potty and Ryan on the big one. Brothers who poop together must be best friends for life, right?!

As sad as I am to let go of the baby (Thank God Marc and Kristen are having a baby I can snuggle soon!) Owen is entering the little man stage which is so fun! He has quite the personality and is so affectionate. If I ever get angry at him for something he says "but mommy I love you". He asks me to "nuggle him" all the time. His current favorite things to watch are the cartoon grinch movie, Despicable  Me 3 (which he calls mims), nemo, Toy Story 3, Sesame Street or Blippi (A You Tube Star who drive us nuts but Owen LOVES him). His new thing is "I love my family" and "snuggle time!" and we all snuggle. He calls me mommy most of the time unless he wants something and he calls me mom. Its really funny. I just love him to bits.

"Do I look Handsome?"

Snuggle time!

Ryan started his basketball season so of course Owen had to suit up in his Lakes uniform and shoot around at half time. 

Big boy beds!!!

These two have a very special bond 

Loving his new shark shoes which were a hand-me-down from Greyson :)

I just found this on my phone. aha!

He is really into "activities" basically anything he can glue. Both Emmy and Ryan were gone the other night so we got some good quality crafting time together. 

Undie dance!

Speaking of big, the Santoro crew came over last weekend and they are all huge!

More activities with "Ra ra". 

I mean if the big kids can do it, why can't I?

Thursday, January 16, 2020

First Gymnastics Competition

Emmy has been going to gymnastics 9 hours a week since May, all leading up to competition season! We had no idea to expect - what the meet would be like, how competitive it would be, etc. Also, it happened to be at 8a on a Friday? Huh? Me and Emmy were out the door at 6:45a and we let Ryan take the day off too (shhh) so we could all watch her.

Well, it was so fun! A long morning but lots going on and things to watch. It was super intense and professional, I was nervous the whole time. And our amazing little girl did AWESOME! She has been doing gymnastics since she was 5. She has always wanted to be on a team and we never encouraged it, if anything we discouraged it. But she stay committed and has worked her butt off so to watch her up there all calm and poised, brought tears to my eyes. Not to mention she took 1st in vault and beam, 1st all around for her age group and 2nd out of the whole bronze session. I don't know who was more proud - me or Josh who has never really understood gymnastics (not that I do either!) and questioned the financial and time commitment. He was so happy and proud watching her win all those metals, it was just as amazing as watching her :)

Next meet is next Friday and I can't wait!

Emmy's 4th bday party - first time on a beam!

November 2015 - 5.5 years old and started at SD United!

January 2020 - almost 11 years old - on her way to her first competition (insert tears)

Warm up


9.65 on the vault!



Simone and Emmy have known each other since they were at Baldwin together as babies. Pretty cool!

Emmy is #1!!!!

Ry-guy was so proud. He watched every second of the whole thing.

"Best week of my Life"

We, particularly Emmy, had an epic week last week! For the past few months, Emmy has been preparing for a school field trip to Biz Town. The students had to learn about and apply for a job and were required to work it for a day, while also living as a citizen in the "town". Without any influence of mine, she applied for a got the job of CEO/CFO of channel 933, which happened to be the station I worked at during and after college! So I used some connections and arranged for her and 3 friends to take a tour. I thought it could be cool to see the real station before she went to biz town. Well, the station outdid itself! Emmy, Luci, Riley and Kylee had their own script to reach and recorded a spot, they hung out with multiple DJs during their live show but with one in particular who played it live on the air! They were absolutely ecstatic and I was the coolest mom in the world for a day :)

Thursday I took the day off of work to go to biz town and I have to admit it was the coolest place ever! I was so impressed. Each CFO had to apply for business loans, pay their employees, make money for their business, etc. There were 21 businesses there ranging from banks (where they all "cashed" their paychecks and had to balance their check books), dentist, Kaiser, jack n the box, cox communications, UPS, NBC a pet adoption agency, etc. It was amazing. And then at the end of the day Emmy snapped at Ryan saying "I have been behind a computer all day and I have a headache and I am exhausted!". Ha! Welcome to my world :)

Working hard!

Look - no pony tail!

Friday deserves its own post....

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The End of a Decade

The kids had two weeks off of school. I did not. Booo. But we did squeeze in a lot the few days I did have off. And we celebrate the end of a decade and the beginning of a new one with lots of friends :)

Ryan was dying to go ice skating and it was a blast! Owen wasn't super stoked at first but then warmed up and asked to go again the next day. 

We sent this to all our Canadian family :) 

Team work makes the dream work.

We have another baseball star on our hands 

Setting up our new hoop!!

Boxes = hours of entertainment

We took advantage of the last day of our passes at Sea World and I am so glad we did!

I love San Diego 

He was SO EXCITED to meet Ernie and Grover 

A thrilling yet terrifying and freezing ride!

Always entertaining 

New Year Eve day we headed down to the beach to enjoy a beautiful last day of 2019. 

Ain't that the truth

The green flash is now one GIANT eye sore. 

It sure is nice to have friends who live so close you can walk with open bottles of wine 

Emmy slept over at Riley's house with all her buddies again this year. And Tucker came over to celebrate east coast new years. 

The pool was 53 degrees. Yes - they are now all sick. 

New years day we have 5 families over for brunch, which lasted until 4p.
It felt like a summer camp!

What a great way to start a new year. Happy new decade!