Wednesday, December 13, 2017

9 months!

How is my little Owie already 9 months?! He is so fun right now, I seriously can't get enough of him and neither can the rest of the family, including Sadie :)

At 9 months, Owen is:
- A chunker. I just bought 3 pairs of PJs but couldn't get them zipped up over his legs.
- Loves to eat! His new daycare has a kitchen and provides food for every meal (score!). He's eaten everything from oatmeal to tuna, hamburgers, turkey sandwiches and grilled cheese and soup!
- He is the messiest eater ever! He goes through a few sets of clothes a day. 
- Is crawling everywhere
- Loves to be held. All the time. Especially at the end of the day when I am trying to make dinner.
- LOVES Sadie. I swear he says dog and is always crawling around looking for her. He prefers her toys to him own.
- LOVES Emmy and Ryan!
- Has started trying to stand up
- Mutters to himself all the time. Everything he does sounds like it takes so much effort. Ha ha.
- Still doesn't sleep. He's been taking some better naps and home but won't nap at daycare and is still up every 2 hours at night
-  He loves books and paper. Especially magazines just like Ryan did :)

I just love him so much. I was recently looking back at pics and videos of Ryan and cannot believe how fast that time flew by. So if Owen wants to be held or snuggled at any time of the day - I will gladly do it! Time just flies by way too fast.

Pig pen

Wrestling with the boys after dinner 

Look at me!

Ryan was so excited to take him down the slide. Owen on the other hand no so much 

He's more of a swing guy :)

1 comment:

  1. Hes so cute! I love the swing pictures. He has the best smile.
