Saturday, March 11, 2017

The last week as Four

As of Monday, I was officially on maternity leave! I spent the week organizing, running around town and spending time with each of my loves. Emmy and I went to lunch on Wednesday and to the beach, Josh and I even squeezed in lunch on Thursday and Josh and I took Ryan to lunch on Friday and to the bay to ride his bike with NO TRAINING WHEELS! The weather has been perfect so we've been spending a lot of time outside. It is supposed to stay sunny too which is amazing :)

I think we've all been a little nervous, anxious and excited for this week. Can't wait to meet little Owen and bring him home to the family :)

We've been pulling out all the baby stuff from the garage. When I say I kept everything, I mean EVERYTHING!

They look like dumb and dumber. Ha!

Toys, toys and more toys

Me and Emmy went to lunch in La Jolla on Wednesday. Georges at the Cove - her choice!

The day could not have been more beautiful

Of course we had to visit the seals.

Headed down to the sand too. It is amazing how much time I have to actually "smell the roses" or "visit the seals" when I am not squeezing a busy work week into my life...

How is she growing up so fast?!

A little lunch at buddies favorite place - the fish shop.

Ryan wanted to ride his bike at the bay with no training wheels. i swear he hopped on his bike and took off and has been riding ever since. It was truly amazing!! 

Last belly pic (wearing the last outfit that fits me!)

Today we met up with Riley and Reese at the park to play with Emmy's wubble bubble ball :)

Oh Sadie girl. Just chilling in her new favorite spot

We headed into PB for dinner tonight. Me and my beauty

Buddy looking extra handsome and extra big!

The fearsome foursome is becoming the fearsome fivesome in just a few days!

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