Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Holiday Cheer

December has been FLYING by! It's been hard to enjoy the holiday season when time is just flying by so fast (and its been 80 degrees for most of the month) but we've been doing our best :)

We had out first family pictures taken (many amazing photos to come!), Ryan has his first kindergarten performance, I had my annual office holiday party (which is pretty much like a scene straight out of the show the office), Owen met Santa for the first time at his daycare, Josh has had what feels like 10 xmas dinners, we've done crafts and hit up Jungle bells at the zoo!

Owie and Santa!

My Ry-guy

They have so many kinder classes they had to break up the performances this year!

Me and my dear friend Michelle at the office 

Jungle bells at the zoo!

Its really cool to see some of the animals at night. The Giraffes looked so cool/ Obviously I couldn't capture it on my phone!

And the Koalas were out and about and so CUTE! Lots of mamas with their babies :) 

Me and mine :) 

He really loves being our and about and thinks he is such a big boy sitting in high chairs

Balboa train!

Holiday haircut. Edward scissor hands over here actually did a really goo job!

Emmy and Seagrin doing some crafts (which lasted about 15 minutes) :) 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

What a week

Last week was brutal. Lots going on at work, school and home. Josh left for AZ, I had a really late work meeting, followed by an early one, which always makes for chaos. The kids were absolute troopers being picked up at 6 and then dropped at their friends house the next morning. Fortunately, Emmy held it together until EOD Friday and then has been really sick ever since :( Poor thing was on the couch for 5 days. Crossing my fingers we all stay healthy...!

I am 90% done with my xmas shopping and was even able to squeeze in a field trip with Ryan's class. Feel like I am running on empty most of the time - coffee and wine are what's keeping me alive!

Out the door for our long day - we made it

Even Sadie was exhausted after our week

It was so windy the BBQ tipped over!

My favorite part of the week. Emmy helped make my lunch :) 

Field trip time!

Ryan and his bestest bud William 

We went to the contemporary art museum downtown and this was the first exhibit. Seriously?! Gross

I stayed with monkey yesterday and she never left this spot :( 

Owen back at it - stealing Sadies bones right out of her mouth and into his! 

9 months!

How is my little Owie already 9 months?! He is so fun right now, I seriously can't get enough of him and neither can the rest of the family, including Sadie :)

At 9 months, Owen is:
- A chunker. I just bought 3 pairs of PJs but couldn't get them zipped up over his legs.
- Loves to eat! His new daycare has a kitchen and provides food for every meal (score!). He's eaten everything from oatmeal to tuna, hamburgers, turkey sandwiches and grilled cheese and soup!
- He is the messiest eater ever! He goes through a few sets of clothes a day. 
- Is crawling everywhere
- Loves to be held. All the time. Especially at the end of the day when I am trying to make dinner.
- LOVES Sadie. I swear he says dog and is always crawling around looking for her. He prefers her toys to him own.
- LOVES Emmy and Ryan!
- Has started trying to stand up
- Mutters to himself all the time. Everything he does sounds like it takes so much effort. Ha ha.
- Still doesn't sleep. He's been taking some better naps and home but won't nap at daycare and is still up every 2 hours at night
-  He loves books and paper. Especially magazines just like Ryan did :)

I just love him so much. I was recently looking back at pics and videos of Ryan and cannot believe how fast that time flew by. So if Owen wants to be held or snuggled at any time of the day - I will gladly do it! Time just flies by way too fast.

Pig pen

Wrestling with the boys after dinner 

Look at me!

Ryan was so excited to take him down the slide. Owen on the other hand no so much 

He's more of a swing guy :)

Monday, December 4, 2017

Owen and Sadie

These two are slowly becoming the best of friends. They both are constantly trying to steal each others toys and share a love for dirty socks. So weird. Now that Owen is eating finger foods Sadie has realized he really will be her BEST friend. And I swear to you Owen says dog all the time and it isn't just because he can only make sounds with a "d" he looks around muttering "dodo" when he is crawling towards a toy or looking to feed her something.

She is always tight next to him sitting very patiently. It is amazing.

 Caught red handed. He is constantly feeding Sadie his food!

Maybe one of our kids will actually enjoy walking Sadie one day?

I just thought this picture was too cute not to post :) 

Kicking off the Christmas Season!

We're slowly starting to get into the Christmas season! Lights are up, pics to come. Each year Josh adds more and more, we are going to turn into the Griswalds in a few years.... Emmy, Ryan and I went to see the Grinch on Saturday. Me and Emmy started going when she was in kindergarten so this year Ryan came too! They both loved it. Emmy kept whispering in my ear "Look how cute buddy looks". So sweet. After we hit up home depot to get the tree, which always takes a while since me and Emmy are super picky. We drive Josh nuts. We decorated it on Sunday and I am not sure who it going to pull it over first Owen or Sadie...  I love that the kids, especially Emmy, love the holidays as much as I do :)

Emmy brings her grinch with her every year (naturally since she is OBSESSED with stuffed animals) so we got Buddy one this year too.

So sweet...

We went to lunch after and Ryan had to sit so he could watch the football game. Ha! He loves watching football but prefers college. Really? I will never get to watch TV again....

Emmy. Always a character.


We arrived when it was light

And left when it was dark. ahaha

Me and Owie hit up Vons on Sunday. He kicked it like this with one leg hanging out, eating puffs the whole time. It was hilarious 

The chaotic crew

Look at Sadie posing for the pic. :) 

Owen is wearing Ryan's old xmas jammies. Owen - 8 months, Ryan wore them at 4! So if you think Owen looks big. check out Ry-guy....