Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Emmy came with me to vote yesterday. She's old enough now to remember these times and I wanted her to be a part of history. Not exactly the history I thought it would be...

I know I will never forget turning on the TV with my 7 year old daughter and seeing that Donald Trump won the presidential election. Both our mouths dropped. Wonder if she will remember that moment in years to come too? I am confident that she will see a female president in her lifetime but it will be interesting to see in decades to come, when kids are learning about American History in school, what will be taught about this election. That a real estate mogul/reality TV star/Clothing manufacturer with no political experience became the president of the United States?

What is important to me for me young children is that they grow up knowing everyone should be treated equal regardless of gender/race/economic status, that everyone should be able to marry who they love, women have the right to make their own choices, that you don't need to carry a gun to feel protected, you should always state your opinion even if it doesn't win and to simply respect others and treat them as you want to be treated.

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