Monday, January 11, 2016


Having a puppy is no joke!  I openly admit that I was one of those people who thought puppies were cute but I had no idea how much work they are. If you walk in our house at any given time you will hear at least one of us yelling “leave it!”, “NO” or “down” to Sadie at least every 45 seconds. Teaching a dog that certain balls are hers and certain balls are Ryan’s is the most impossible task, especially given neither of them pick up after themselves. Currently, some of her favorite things to chew include: a stuffed cheetah, Ryan’s spiderman glove, an old troll doll with pink hair, Ryan’s dusty crop hopper plane, Emmy’s moccasin shoes, any pair of socks and Emmy’s old ballerina costume. I am not joking she seeks these things out over other things. Emmy’s ballerina costume?

Teething babies are nothing compared to a teething dogs. At least babies don’t already have teeth when they are teething, razor sharp ones at that. And babies can’t walk, ran, climb or jump yet so the only things they can get in their mouths is whatever is within reach.

Babies also come with all kinds of excuses and people are generally more tolerant of a little baby. Puppies, who are larger than some full-grown dogs, who run, jump up on humans of all sizes including toddlers, nip at clothes and any exposed body part, steal toys, poop on the grass, can’t talk and don’t understand English, etc., do not get the same amount of patience at the park that babies do. I had someone ask me yesterday, “aren’t you supposed to do the whole puppy this before you have kids?”. Yes, asshole, point taken.

All the craziness of our lives aside, Sadie is the sweetest, loving and cutest dog you will ever meet. Despite how much I yell, how bad my day may have been, how terrible I look or smell that dog will be over the moon excited to see me she can barely contain herself. She likes to snuggle, she can’t close enough to us. She’s made herself comfortable on every couch and has a preference of blanket. I have not yet let her on our bed because I know she will end of under the covers next to me and I am just not sure I am ready for another body in our bed at the moment. She is very smart, will do anything for a treat, she’s no dummy. I can almost see her saying “go get me a treat and I will drop the ball”. I think she can tell time because no dogs biological clock can be so spot on for dinner time every day.

Our nightly walk is one of my favorite new routines. I’ve been complaining about the lack of cold weather for about 10 years now so heading out at night during or after our recent storms, all bundled up in the cold, is the best feeling ever. To have a constant excuse to escape the noise and get out in the night is amazing. I think I have a walking buddy for life. 

The kids have been collecting her teeth that have fallen out!


She really does know how to make herself comfortable

She absolutely thinks she is one of the kids

I stopped for a moment in the kitchen and she lay on my feet.

This is my favorite picture to date. 

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