Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Emmy and Ryan

Emmy and Ryan are the bestest of friends right now.  I just keep watching them, my heart melting, telling Josh I hope they are always this close. They are protective of each other in their own way, love to snuggle. They are either climbing into our bed in the morning or Ryan climbs in to Emmy’s to snuggle. They’ve starting playing with each other more too!  The ride bikes and scooters, play on the swings out back and the other day Emmy tried to teach him to play UNO.

A few conversations recently I just have to document. I would have recorded them if I could.

(We got Ryan a pretty terrible haircut last weekend.  We we going for something a little less mushroom but ended up with an odd looking mohawk! After much conversation about what to do about Ryan’s hair Emmy and Ryan were on the swings out back while I folded laundry inside. 
Emmy: Buddy your hair looks really cool
Ryan: Does it look silly?
Emmy: No. You look really handsome. Do you know what handsome means?
Ryan: No
Emmy: You look really nice.

Emmy twists herself up in the swings all the time and sometimes gets stuck
Emmy: Help!
Ryan: I am coming!
Ryan: There I saved you. Now don’t do it again

Josh and I toured a preschool that is closer to our house.  We still drive into PB every day and my office may be moving north which will make that drive ever worse.  So we thought we’d check out some other places but so far no please is ever comparable to Baldwin!
Me: Emmy Daddy and I looked at a new school for Ryan and man it was nowhere near as cool as Baldwin
Emmy: Mom! Why would you do that?
Me: To find something close so we don’t have to drive all the way to PB
Emmy: (with attitude) it isn’t that far!  Plus, Ryan has a new girlfriend Tahlia, why would you make him leave his girlfriend!

We picked up Subway on the weekend and ended up eating it there.  Subway in Clairemont makes for some great people watching.  A large lady walked in wearing a moo-moo/house dress that was big and colorful!
Ryan: Mommy, look at her dress it is BEAUTIFUL!

I wish I could remember all of the things these two are up to these days.  They are growing up so fast, I just wish I could freeze time!

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