Monday, April 15, 2013

Funny Girl

Emmy is a pretty funny kid.  She is not shy, speaks her mind and in my opinion is quite mature.  She just moved up to the “Big Nest” the four year old program at school.  The last before kindergarten.  And she loves it!  She is totally in her element, hanging with her friends and learning a ton.  She really loves learning.  She plays school at home all the time and is of course always the teacher.  The things that come out of her mouth continue to crack me up so I try and document it so I can remind her one day.
She was playing teacher this week and told me and Ryan to “hurry up and sit in the circle we are tight on time.”  Then she yelled and Ryan “Baroo pay attention!”.
The other day when I was sick with the flu and stuck at home I took them for a short walk to get out of the house.  I wasn’t moving too quickly.  She yelled back “Mama I know you can move faster than that.  Let’s go!”.
“Oh my God”.  She now says this all the time.  I have told her it isn’t polite.  She asked why?  I compared it to pointing at people.  You just don’t do it.
Her two favorite movies right now are an old school Mickey Mouse Christmas and Mary Poppins.  Probably the only kid in town singing Jingle Bells, Deck the Halls, Chim Chimney and a spoon full of sugar.
“I am super duper, duper, duper, duper, duper, duper, duper, hungry”.  I actually paraphrased the number of “dupers”.
A few weeks ago, she woke up in the middle of the night a few times and said she was having “sleep stories” about alligators and crocodiles.  I have no idea where she got sleep stories from but am pretty sure the new cartoon “Jake and Neverland” she has been watching (which is basically Peter Pan) started the crocodile fear.  One night she was visibly upset so I told her they were afraid of forks.  I cringed thinking that sounded ridiculous but she was like huh, really?  She we set a big fork by the front door, one outside her room and next to her bed.   Left them out for a few days and now she is over it!  
She loves to be surprised.  "Emmy what do you want to eat?".  "Surprise me!".  But she doesn't necessarily settle for the first snack you bring.  It is like the most annoying guessing game.  And yes, I do it every time like an idiot.
She is so strong!  A few weeks ago we were at the park and all of a sudden she starts swinging from monkey bar to monkey bar.  It was crazy!  I was able to take a little video :)


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