Sunday, November 4, 2012


Emmy is quite the character these days.  Full of energy and always making us laugh.  Between what she learns from us and picks up from school she keeps us entertained!  I try and remember some of the things that come out of her mouth so I can remind her one day.  It is so hard to remember them all!

1. Everything is "super".  I super love that dress.  I super love you so super much mama.

2. She "sure loves" things.  I sure love dance class!

3. Her blanket "bubba" is her everything.  First it was "bubba".  Then when she started calling my "mommy" it was "bubby".  This past week I was "mom" and it was "bub".

4. We were driving in the car yesterday and she told me she wanted to listen to rock music.  So I switched from radio station to radio station.  She'd say nope, nope, nope, until I found a "rock" song.

5. When we were at Sea World she wanted to go through the emergency exit.  I told her no, she asked why, and I told her it was for emergencies only.  Her response was if there is an emergency you dial 911.  Thank you Baldwin teachers! :)

6. She apparently already has the traveling bug.  She talks about our trip to Chicago all the time and wants to go to New York to see Marc.  Her newest request is that she wants us to go to Hawaii.

7. One of the not so fun things about breastfeeding - nursing pads.  If she sees one she'll say "hey mom you forgot your boob pad" as thought it is something every mom shoves in her bra.

8. She can now officially count to 50.  Well, she understands how to count so all we need to do is teach her what comes next and she'll count to 100 no problem!

9. We've been renting movies through netflix and she requests and has been watching the classics.  So far we've watched the original versions on Pinocchio and Peter Pan!

10. Her favorite thing to do is dress up like a princess.  She has been wearing a pair of high heels around the house and can walk really well in them.  We are in trouble!

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