Friday, November 30, 2012

Peter Pan

 I never got a chance to post pictures of when Emmy and I went to see the play Peter Pan!  We've been renting a lot of movies from Netflix lately and she has been requesting the classics like Pinocchio and Peter Pan.  So when I saw the broadway show was in town I took a chance and bought us some tickets.  I knew she may be a little young but she loves performances so much!  She also needed a good mommy and Emmy day.  Well, she LOVED it!  Watched every minute, making comments, clapping at all the appropriate places, etc.  It was so cute.  On the way home I asked her what her favorite part was and she said "all of it" :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our hospital stay

This weekend gave me a very small glimpse into what families with sick children must have to deal with and it breaks my heart.  I feel extremely lucky that we were only there for 4 nights and Ryan left feeling better and we know he will be okay.  The poor little guy really had a tough time though.  The kid is "healthy" and "thick" as the polite staff called him so it was extremely difficult to get the IV in and then take blood each day.  I mean 30 minutes of poking and prying to get a vain and sometimes they couldn't.  They were finally able to get an IV in after multiple attempts from two different people and they got it in his left hand.  The thumb he sucks.  So for the next 4 days we watched him hit himself in the head trying to get his thumb is his mouth :(  The only way we could get him to sleep was to walk and rock him.   Poor little guy was then not only woken up every few hours to have his vitals checked, his IV conveniently started beeping every 45 minutes.  EVERY 45 MINUTES.  Even though I figured out had to silence it, I still had to page the nurse it was ridiculous.  Anyway, we made it through.   It appears that he has a reflux, the urine is being refluxed back into his kidney as opposed to fully draining to the bladder.  Typically kids grow out of when they are 3 or 4 so something we will have to manage until then.  Manage meaning, trying to avoid and/or stay on top of any future UTIs.  There is more testing that has to be done so we should know more in the next few weeks.  

Thank God I am not going back to work until January!  And thank God for my parents who took such good care of and spoiled Emmy rotten while we were in the hospital for days.  Despite what the poor little guy went through, he still managed to gain an ounce a day.  Big guy weighed in a 18 lb 7 oz today! 

Trying to cool the poor little guy down

 As sick as can be but still as cute as ever!

Fortunately, they let us bring is his favorite lamb rocker so he could sleep in it instead of on me or in the crib that looked more like a jail cell.


 Big sis and Ryan watching some cartoons together :)

The cutest patient ever!!!

He really loved reading books :)

Finally on the last day, he finally figured out how to get his thumb in his mouth


Well, Thanksgiving didn't exactly turn out as we had anticipated but everything happens for a reason.  Wednesday morning Ryan woke up with a fever again, we figured he never really kicked the virus.  To save everyone from a rough night we drive up to Westlake Thursday morning.  My sister was already there along with my brother who surprised everyone (as usual!) and my Uncle John and Aunt Karen who were visiting all the way from Ottawa.  Emmy was of course the center of attention and immediately latched onto Uncle Marc.  No surprise!  Poor Ryan was just having a rough day and night.  So we ate and Josh and I took turns holding Ryan trying to keep him calm.  He woke up at 11:30p with a fever of 105.  We threw him in the car right away and went to the ER.  Jules came along too for support.  We got there and his temp had reached 105.5 and he was vomiting everywhere.  Pretty damn scary.  They did every test imaginable and were finally able to determine he had a UTI that had likely spread to his kidney and possibly his blood.  We were admitted to the hospital immediately and spent the next 4 nights there :(

Before our traumatic trip to the hospital I managed to capture a few of the more happy moments.

It would not be a holiday at my parents house without a little piano playing with animal hats on

Marc and Emmy made everyone turkey masks

Our little shutterbug

Just trying to keep Ryan's fever down :(

Emmy teaching Marc her new signature dance move

Papa bought a fire pit so Emmy can roast marshmallows!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Past Week

This past week has been pretty crazy.  Ryan had the flu and basically didn't sleep for 3 nights :( Josh's parents came to visit so Ryan was finally able to meet Grandpa! Julie came to visit and had a residency interview at UCSD!  Emmy tripped at school and chipped her tooth so we headed to the dentist for the second time this month :(  Best news of all, after some blood sweat and a whole lot of tears, I was able to negotiate another month of maternity leave!  I now don't go back until January 3.  WAHOOOOOOO!

A nice little afternoon at the Zoo

I didn't go with them but just came across this picture, I thought it was pretty funny :)

Ryan loved hanging with Grandpa!

Perhaps another doctor int he family?

Such a brave girl at the dentist again

Friday, November 9, 2012

Tummy time

Emmy always hated being on her tummy but Ryan loves it!  He is so strong and you can tell he is so proud of himself when he holds himself up.  You know what that all means?  I think we may have an early crawler on our hands....

I took so many cute pictures I couldn't pick just one!

There is no way he is not teething already.  Constant drool and chews on my fingers!

Okay this isn't from tummy time it is just cute :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


A few videos of the little guy :)  I have issues uploading videos from my phone to Blogger so if anyone has any tips, please let me know!

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Emmy is quite the character these days.  Full of energy and always making us laugh.  Between what she learns from us and picks up from school she keeps us entertained!  I try and remember some of the things that come out of her mouth so I can remind her one day.  It is so hard to remember them all!

1. Everything is "super".  I super love that dress.  I super love you so super much mama.

2. She "sure loves" things.  I sure love dance class!

3. Her blanket "bubba" is her everything.  First it was "bubba".  Then when she started calling my "mommy" it was "bubby".  This past week I was "mom" and it was "bub".

4. We were driving in the car yesterday and she told me she wanted to listen to rock music.  So I switched from radio station to radio station.  She'd say nope, nope, nope, until I found a "rock" song.

5. When we were at Sea World she wanted to go through the emergency exit.  I told her no, she asked why, and I told her it was for emergencies only.  Her response was if there is an emergency you dial 911.  Thank you Baldwin teachers! :)

6. She apparently already has the traveling bug.  She talks about our trip to Chicago all the time and wants to go to New York to see Marc.  Her newest request is that she wants us to go to Hawaii.

7. One of the not so fun things about breastfeeding - nursing pads.  If she sees one she'll say "hey mom you forgot your boob pad" as thought it is something every mom shoves in her bra.

8. She can now officially count to 50.  Well, she understands how to count so all we need to do is teach her what comes next and she'll count to 100 no problem!

9. We've been renting movies through netflix and she requests and has been watching the classics.  So far we've watched the original versions on Pinocchio and Peter Pan!

10. Her favorite thing to do is dress up like a princess.  She has been wearing a pair of high heels around the house and can walk really well in them.  We are in trouble!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Family Day

 I don't know why but one thing I wanted to do on maternity leave was take Emmy to Sea World.  This morning she had a dentist appointment and was amazing!  She let them clean, floss, fluoride her teeth, etc., no problem.  Such a big girl!  Then we all headed to Sea World.  Josh was able to come too although he threw out his back golfing yesterday so didn't stick around the whole time.  Ryan behaved for the most part and Emmy had a blast.  I knew we pushed it a little too long when I ended up pushing Ryan screaming in the stroller and carrying Emmy from the Polar Bears to the car.  Guns of steel!

Always reminding us to stop and smell the roses...

A few attempts at a self portrait family picture :) 

Yes, we are suckers.  Emmy picked out turtles for her and Ryan.  Watching his face actually light up and he grab it was worth every penny.