Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Poor Emmy has been really sick with a cold and croup which is really nasty.  She has been home for 5 days so I have been trying my best to keep Ryan at a distance.  So far he seems good and I just have a little cold.  Anyway, yesterday was one of those days where she probably could have gone to school but I kept her home one last day.  By lunch she was full of beans so we headed out to Toysrus! Which by the way was the second day in a row I took the kids shopping alone :) Oh and it was 90 degrees again what the hell?!  When is Fall going to arrive?  Well we had fun and stuck to the $1 isle so left without spending too much money :)

She always asks to ride the rides I always so no.  Why?! A few minutes of fun!

Emmy and her "beenoculars"

Medicine down the hatch!  I told her it doesn't taste as bad if you plug your nose.  Why do I have a funny feeling 15 years from now that will be tequila and Emmy will be telling her buddies to just plug your nose my mom said it makes it not taste so bad...

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