Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Emmy has been looking forward to Halloween for a while.  Not sure if she was more excited to dress up like Rapunzel or collect candy.  Apparently she loves candy.  We gave our best attempt at dressing up Ryan.  Considering he basically wore pajamas I think he did pretty good.  We headed over to Zoe's house to trick or treat around her neighborhood that went all out for the holiday.  Emmy ate her last piece of candy around 9p and was in bed by 9:30p not to shabby!  Now Josh and I can pick through her loot.  Haha :)

About 30 seconds later 


Ryan met Ashlynn and Addison, Mark and Anna's twin girls today.  They are so sweet and tiny and he is so big and chubby, but still as sweet :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Quote to Live By

5 weeks from today I will be sitting at my desk at work holding back tears because I just left my little buddy at daycare for the first time.  The thought of this breaks my heart and I dread it more than anything.  I thought it would be easier to go back to work the second time because I knew what to expect, I was comfortable with Baldwin and I knew we'd get through it.  Well, I was wrong.  It is never easy to leave your child with anyone.  5 weeks is still a long time and I am trying really hard not to think about it and enjoy every second I have with Ryan.  Every time he smiles at me I just stop what I am doing smile back and give him a big kiss.  The house can be cleaned later, the laundry will be folded eventually and who cares if I take a shower.  The moments when that sweet chubby baby smiles at me are priceless and I don't want to miss one during the next 5 weeks since I will be missing so many of them when I go back....

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.
~ Buddha

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A whole lot of pics

Well, everyone knows I document everything with photos so I thought 'd just post of bunch of recent pics.

Ryan is so cute and snuggly.  It is so hard to get anything done when he just smiles and coos at you :)  Since Emmy has a blanket "baba" I thought Ryan should have one too.  He loves it!  
He has been snuggling with it a lot it is so sweet.

 This is what I stare at when we walk around the hood :)

More competition for the good spot on the couch

Our old friend Bailey came to visit.  He lives in Maui but travels the world to surf and live all sort of adventures.  But he still wanted to spend his trip to SD with us building castles with Emmy.

Tummy time!!

Still debating on whether or not Ryan will dress up like a tiger for Halloween or JOSH.  Hahaha.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rainy Weekend

 It actually rained in San Diego and it was glorious!  After months and months of 90+ degree weather it was a welcome change.  Finally an excuse to be lazy all day.

Sadly, Josh's Grandma passed away so he headed up to Modesto to spend some time with his family.  It was such a fast trip we thought it was best if he traveled alone.  So, Emmy, Ryan and I am kept each other entertained.  I successfully took Emmy to swim class alone with Ryan.  Her buddy Zoe came over with her brother Miles who is only 6 weeks younger that Ryan.  We played, baked and were just lazy, it was the best :) 


Friday, October 19, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


 We have been lucky to be able to see my dad a lot in the past few weeks.  We saw him up at my parent's house last weekend and then he came to visit us and go to the Chargers game with Josh.  Emmy sure does love her Papa!  And I just know Ryan will too :)

Friday, October 12, 2012


Well, explains where the double chin comes from!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

2 months

Ryan is already 2 months old!  Wow, a lot sure has changed in the past few weeks.  It is as if Ryan is finally feeling more comfortable in our world.  The only time I turned the blow dryer on this week was to actually dry my hair for the first time in months!  He is the chubbiest, cutest, happiest little guy.  He is always smiling and cooing at us, this kid has a lot to say.  Today he giggled for the first time and it was the cutest thing ever.  He is sleeping 6-7 hour stretches at night and willingly goes to bed between 6:30p/7:30p every night.  I am just loving my days with him.  Some days we run around all day and others we are just lazy and snuggle on the couch, I love it more than anything :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Poor Emmy has been really sick with a cold and croup which is really nasty.  She has been home for 5 days so I have been trying my best to keep Ryan at a distance.  So far he seems good and I just have a little cold.  Anyway, yesterday was one of those days where she probably could have gone to school but I kept her home one last day.  By lunch she was full of beans so we headed out to Toysrus! Which by the way was the second day in a row I took the kids shopping alone :) Oh and it was 90 degrees again what the hell?!  When is Fall going to arrive?  Well we had fun and stuck to the $1 isle so left without spending too much money :)

She always asks to ride the rides I always so no.  Why?! A few minutes of fun!

Emmy and her "beenoculars"

Medicine down the hatch!  I told her it doesn't taste as bad if you plug your nose.  Why do I have a funny feeling 15 years from now that will be tequila and Emmy will be telling her buddies to just plug your nose my mom said it makes it not taste so bad...