Friday, August 17, 2012

More Pictures

Ryan or Piggly wiggly as I can him, is so sweet and a total cuddler.  He has some serious lungs on him so there is no mistaken when he is not happy.  When he is hungry, he'll latch on to anything in site - finger, shin, cheek, shoulder.  He has gained 8 oz since Monday!  I almost forgot how awesome and fun it is to have a newborn around to snuggle with :)

I was pretty nervous to see how Emmy was.  Not that I didn't think she would be great but I wanted to be sure she didn't feel left out or neglected.  She completely exceeded any expectations.  From the moment she say him she has been so sweet and loving and unbelievably understanding at home.  Watching the look on her face when she walked into the hospital room was the best thing ever, I will never forget it.  She was so excited to hold him and is always kissing him.  She is just the best.

My Dad and brother came down to meet Ryan too.  It has been so unbelievably hot we all crammed in my hospital room all weekend so they could hang out in the AC!  We watched movies, ate pizza, etc.  It hit 98 degrees at our house today.  Oh about 20 degrees hotter than we are used to - pretty miserable.  But I am totally enjoying my time at home with my little guy.  :)

Everyone knows how much I LOVE to take pictures constantly and between our camera and phone I think I have taken probably a few hundred already.  Ha!  Here are just a few...


  1. Congratulations!

    He is absolutely adorable! Seriously, he is a very, very cute newborn.

    So glad that you love to take pictures Jen because we love to see them. Keep them coming :) Also glad to hear that Emmy is doing well.

    Love you guys, Genesis

  2. so cute! i just want to kiss those cheeks.
    Daisy is already so big......enjoy mama!!!
