Friday, August 24, 2012

Emmy's School

Even though Emmy's school is open all year long, they still celebrate "the end of the year" before September starts.  This week they had all kinds of fun - dress up day, PJ day, crazy hair day and today they had an ice cream party with a water balloon fight.  I was able to escape long enough to go hang with her and her buddies this afternoon.  No wonder she loves going so much! 

No surprise all the girls dressed up like princesses and the boys like Spiderman

PJ Day!  They all watched a movie and ate popcorn in the afternoon 

Crazy hair day!

One of Emmy's bestest buds Lucia.  Poor Emmy, she hangs with the older crowd and all her friends are moving up to the 4 year old classroom :(

Josh had yet another event this week so it was girls night again!  Emmy said that because Ryan is so little he can come to girls night too :)  We played grocery store with her new cash register, baked cupcakes and even gave her a bath and baby brother a sponge bath.  Today I was exhausted... :)

Emmy's attempt at a self portrait on my phone 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Week in Review

We survived the first week home with little Ryan!  Honestly so far  so good.  I am sure it will all catch up to me soon but so far I am managing well and handling being completely exhausted :)  This week I tackled an afternoon/evening alone with the kiddos while Josh had to go to an event, we beat the worst of the heat by taking long drives, eating outside and camping out in front of the fans, took our first trip to the beach and the ice cream store and had our first official family dinner at the table.

Our little bonding night

Pizza picnic!

First walk to the store to get ice cream

Testing out the sling.  He likes it but I think he is too big!

First trip to the beach!  Our friend's are staying at a beach house in South Mission so we cooled off in the shade :)

Emmy relaxing in the pool, can you believe how comfortable she is in the water?!

Dinner time!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Morning

Before my day even started I had one of the roughest nights since Ryan has been home.  Had a few 45 minute sleep stints but was able to sleep 1 1/2 this morning before I had to pop up and be out the door by 7:40a for Ryan's circumcision appointment.  Josh was going to take Emmy to school and I was going to handle the appointment solo...

I got there at 8a on the dot only to deal with insurance issues, what else is new.  The woman on the phone from Blue Cross didn't even know what a circumcision was.  By 9:30a i was finally called back to the exam room.  Ryan was weighed and believe it or not piggly wiggly weighs 9 lbs 7 oz!  That means he gained almost a pound since Thursday (he weighed 8 lb 8 oz).  I am sorry but holy shit!  I told you all I do is feed him!

The first thing the doc asked was did I bring a pacifier.  SHIT I forgot it.  At least my finger was a good alternative.  She gave the option of dipping it is sugar water or red wine.  I almost asked "for him or me?"  A little vino in the morning?  Why not seemed fitting and he loved it.  As she was strapping him down and pulling out the tools a few things immediately went through my mind besides being terrified for my little man.  1. Is this the type of procedure that can be botched? 2. I CANNOT believe Julie is learning to circumcise kids.  Did you know OBGYNs can perform them?  As Jules put it it is the only thing they do with penises.  I told her never to bring that up at a bar  - major scare tactic if you ask me.

Ryan was so good and brave.  I thought I did pretty good myself.  It wasn't until we got back to the exam room when all hell broke loose.  Ryan started screaming his lungs out and was literally turning purple.  Nothing would come him down and I was panicking.  How was I going to get him into his car seat and out of here?!  I immediately wondered if that cup of wine was still next door  Ryan could suck my finger dipped in it and I could drink the rest!  Last resort before I just ran out with a screaming, purple child was music.   Pandora on my iphone was my savior.  I hope Jack Johnson would be proud knowing he was the only thing that calmed down an infant boy after his procedure.  I threw my phone in his car seat and he proceeded to sleep the whole way home. Oh Pandora how I love you so.  The power of music!  Music motivated me to run 13 miles, keeps my spirits up during a long day in the office and calms my baby boy. :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

More Pictures

Ryan or Piggly wiggly as I can him, is so sweet and a total cuddler.  He has some serious lungs on him so there is no mistaken when he is not happy.  When he is hungry, he'll latch on to anything in site - finger, shin, cheek, shoulder.  He has gained 8 oz since Monday!  I almost forgot how awesome and fun it is to have a newborn around to snuggle with :)

I was pretty nervous to see how Emmy was.  Not that I didn't think she would be great but I wanted to be sure she didn't feel left out or neglected.  She completely exceeded any expectations.  From the moment she say him she has been so sweet and loving and unbelievably understanding at home.  Watching the look on her face when she walked into the hospital room was the best thing ever, I will never forget it.  She was so excited to hold him and is always kissing him.  She is just the best.

My Dad and brother came down to meet Ryan too.  It has been so unbelievably hot we all crammed in my hospital room all weekend so they could hang out in the AC!  We watched movies, ate pizza, etc.  It hit 98 degrees at our house today.  Oh about 20 degrees hotter than we are used to - pretty miserable.  But I am totally enjoying my time at home with my little guy.  :)

Everyone knows how much I LOVE to take pictures constantly and between our camera and phone I think I have taken probably a few hundred already.  Ha!  Here are just a few...

Introducing the new addition to our family

After 5 long and very hot days of being over due, Ryan Andrew finally decided to join us!  The timing could not have worked out better actually.  We were definitely playing the waiting game and I was the most anxious about making sure Emmy was okay and taken care of should I go into labor.  Well, my mom arrived by train Friday afternoon and we all enjoyed a great dinner at C-Level, little did I know that would be my last meal out for a while!

We spent the evening watching the Olympics (of course) and listening to Josh claim once again that he is confident he can run 100 meters in 15 seconds, just 5 seconds longer than the fastest man in the world.  This debate had been going on since the Olympics started and every time I think about him even moving his arms that fast I laugh uncontrollably.  I mean I am pretty sure that is what caused me to go into labor I was laughing so hard.  Lucky for him he got out of actually proving it because we were all set to head over to the school track the next day to watch this guy attempt to move that fast. 

Anyway, I woke up at 2a with what I thought were  contractions.  By 2:35 we were at the hospital and I was 7 cm dilated.  Note to self: if I ever have another baby pre-register at the hospital!  Luckily I was still able to get an epidural even though by the time we filled out the paperwork I was fully dilated.  I have all the respect in the world for the women I know who could deliver without drugs.  I am not one of them, especially when vacuums are involved...  Ryan entered this world at 4:29a that night.  He weighed significantly more than anyone had anticipated - 8lbs 9oz and 20.25" long!  Big kid! :)  Thank God my mom was in town or Emmy may just have witnessed the birth of her brother, things went that quickly.  

More pictures to come in blog post #2!


That is what an 8 1/2 lb baby looks like!!

 Looking just a little tired :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keeping Busy

Well, I am officially overdue.  Again. For some reason babies just love to hang out in my belly for longer than necessary.  It also happens to be the hottest week of the year this week and we have no AC.  Awesome.  Rather than be impatient, we've been keeping busy and having fun.  Marc has taken us to get ice cream every night after dinner, we've watched record hours of Olympics, laughed, danced and played.  We also:

Went to the horse races.

 Watched Toy Story like 5 times and a some new Japanese cartoon Totoro that Marc brought home for Emmy.

 Went to the beach.  No that is not a whale, just me trying to stay cool!

And played with a lot of water balloons!

 Marc is heading back up to Mom and Dad's tomorrow and Emmy is going to be devastated.  All we've heard the past few days is.  "I love Uncle Marc, he is my friend" and "I am so happy Uncle Marc is here" and yesterday when he went to visit friends for dinner she asked every 10 minutes "Is Uncle Marc back yet?".  So sweet, it means the world to me that they are so close :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Guess who is in town?!

Emmy and Uncle Marc reunited.  They are like two peas in a pod.  I don't know who gets who going more but all I know is the two of them are 100% entertained 100% of the time so it sure is a nice break for Josh and I :)