Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our Little Star

This weekend was one big proud parent moment for me.  Emmy has been taking dance lessons at preschool for the past 6 months.  An outside company comes to the school to teach the kids (what a genius idea).  Today was her first dance recital!  There were about 15 dances, 150 dancers and an auditorium of about 250-300 people.  It was legit!  Dress rehearsal was Friday night and the show was tonight.  Emmy was not only beautiful in her costume, she was such a little performer and had so much fun.  Her comment at the end was "I only got one turn!".  I was so proud watching her on stage she looked liked such a big girl and it just brought back so many memories of when I started dancing very young as well.  I promise not to become a "stage mom" but I have a feeling there will be more recitals in our future! 


  1. oh my goodness!! she looks so cute! how fun mama!!! don't you love being a mama to a girl??? :O) miss you and happy birthday!!!xoxoxo

  2. (Great) Aunt DebbieJune 4, 2012 at 1:48 PM

    I think the one of her standing just offstage is absolutely precious!
