Friday, June 10, 2011

Our Conversation on the Way Home Yesterday

Me: Yawn
Emmy: You tired mama?
Me: Yes, I am tired
Emmy: You need to take a nap mama?
Me: A nap would be great
Emmy: You go to sleep like Emmy does
Me: I'd love to!
Emmy: Mama, I am a big girl
Me: Oh, really? What do big girls do?
Emmy: Go pee pee on the potty
Me: And what do they wear?
Emmy: Underwear
Me: Do they wear diapers?
Emmy: No!
Me: Does Emmy want to go pee pee on the potty?
Emmy: No!
Me: I thought big girls go on the potty?
Emmy: Silence.....

I love it, we have actual conversations all the time now. She also asked me to go to the dentist, for a pink Elmo lunch box and a new purple head band. A girl who knows what she wants. :)

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