She has learned the following:
- All of the colors
- She can count to 20, although she tends to skip sixteen and repeats seventeen a few times:)
- She knows the difference between small and big, hot and cold, side and middle, etc
- She knows all her friends names from school. She tells us that her and Riley go running and school and that Riley has the same Elmo t-shirt. The fact that she has friends is the cutest thing ever. When I take her in the morning she says hi to everyone. "There's Sohia", "Hi Jake", "Good Morning Max".
- She can open the fridge and takes out food. We have to be careful!
- She can act out almost every Barney episode! I am going to try and get it on video because it is hilarious! She sings and does all the moves the kids do. She even had props, it is quite the scene. I am 100% positive we have a performer on our hands!
- She can sing more songs than I can keep track:
1. ABCs
2. Twinkle Twinkle little star
3. The itsy bitsy spider
4. Wheels on the bus
5. Old McDonald
6. Bumble Bee
7. Skinermerink (I think this may be a Canadian one!)
8. I love you (Barney theme song, naturall)
9. Bingo
10. Muffin man
12. Patty cake
13. Ring around the rosey
14. Mary had a little lamb
Plus, she is absolutely beautiful!!!

She is so beautiful! Love her so much and I am so thankful you keep this blog so I can keep up with her :O)