Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Potty Training

Emmy was a pretty early eater, walker, talker, jumper, etc, so I had thought that she'd be potty trained pretty early as well - the pattern stops here. Yes, she is still pretty young but I see no toilet in sight for a while anyway. The first time we put the potty on the floor she peed it in. She knows what to do and when to do it but refuses to go anywhere near the damn potty. She thinks it is yucky and gross so I have not been pushing it for fear that I completely turn her off of it altogether. She we have been waiting patiently, talking about it asking her if she wants to go, etc.

Well, today Josh picked her up from daycare. When we do she likes to show us around and tell us where she ate and what she did. Today she took Josh into the bathroom, stood in front of the urinal (there is also a potty for the ladies), dropped her drawers and said "Emmy go pee pee". One step closer? Sort of?

She sure does keep things interesting around here!

1 comment:

  1. So funny! Hopefully she'll get excited about it more and do it on her own soon. Like most parents I resorted to bribery around the 2 1/2 mark and finally had success ;)
