Wednesday, December 29, 2010


We had the best Christmas, it was so great to be able to see all the family. Now that Julie and Marc are in Chicago and NY, we aren't able to be together as often as we used to. Emmy still doesn't quite understand Santa (although she knows he says ho, ho, ho) but was really into opening presents. We ate lots, drank lots but burned off all the calories by running after that little monkey. That kid LOVES to run, especially with her new buddy - Lucy. She also LOVES the stairs and count now officially count to 10!

A tricycle!

A new baby cradle!

Merry Christmas!

My Mom and I have been looking for a fake make-up set forever, they are hard to find! My Mom finally found one so surprised both of us. As soon as Emmy opened it up, she could have cared a less about any other presents. She was putting on lipstick, painting her nails and playing with her blowdryer the rest of the weekend.

Emmy and Lucy are officially buddies for life. They followed each other around and Emmy figured out where her treats are kept so Lucy was very happy. One night Lucy would not stop kissing Emmy and she could not stop giggling, it was too cute. Emmy kept saying "look at me" wanting Lucy to kiss her more :)

Getting into trouble with Uncle Marc

The whole fam damily. A Christmas miracle, right Brother?! :)

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