I can't believe Emmy is no longer in the "teens", she is growing up so fast it is ridiculous. She continues to amaze us each day with what she learns to say, do and how much her personality is coming through. I love her so much, I can't believe it is possible to love her more until I do each day. At 20 months Emmy:
- Is still a pretty good eater with very mature habits:
- She still LOVES guacamole, tortilla chips are her favorite thing ever to eat
- "Dipping" is her favorite meal pastime
- She likes parmesan cheese sprinkled on her noodles
- She will now only eat the muffins tops
- Her favorite cereal is now mini shredded wheats and she even eats them dry!
- Her favorite vegetable is still asparagus but she is also a big fan of cooked spinach
- She is still obsessed with Elmo and watches "Elmo's adventures in Grouchland" almost everyday
- She has started to like watching "Yo gabba gabba" but only likes when DJ Lance is on the screen and calls him "daba"
- She sleeps with a stuffed duck, elmo and at least 2 babies every night
- Her favorite baby is black with long black hair, I love seeing her carry her around since she is so fair
- She has another baby that her cousin gave her so she calls it "didan" for Dylan
- She LOVES to wash her hands in the sink
- She peed in the potty again today!
- Her favorite books to read before bed are one about shoes and I'll Love you Forever. She makes me read them about 3 times in a row and then "reads" them to me
- She carries our house phone around the house and pretends to call Nanny and Papa
- She is learning 5 new words a day - I swear. She is now saying at least 2 words at a time:
- Bumble Bee
- Bump head
- Thank you Mama
- All done cook
- clap hands
- Where are you?
- Almost home
- etc, etc
She is such an amazing little girl who could not be happier in life. She loves going to daycare and has started to talking about her friends "Mimi" and "Rylie" and looks disappointed when we show up to pick her up. Her favorite buddy is still Finn of course. We have a picture of them on our fridge she see talks about him all the time :) I can only imagine the fun times we have to come as she grows up and learns even more!
Happy 20 months beautiful girl :O)