I can't believe Emmy is already 18 months old! Everyone tells you they grow up fast but I had no idea exactly how fast the time would go. Emmy is seriously doing/saying something new every day. Some of her favorite things to do are:
- Play with her baby doll. She loves to put shoes and socks on her, feed her a bottle and put her to sleep. She whacks her back and says "night night", over and over and over again!
- Play with her bog lego blocks. This is the one thing she will actually do by herself these days. She will sit and put them all together and then pull them apart. She also likes putting them in the bag and then dumping them all out.
- Playing with any sort of water. As you can see from the last post, she will play with any time of water, in any place.
- Go to the beach! She LOVES the beach. She rolls around in the sand, throwing it around. We decided to hold off on a sand box because we figure we'd never get her out!
- Go to the park. She is really into the slide these dates.
- Sing! She has started singing A LOT. In her crib, in the car, all the time. She sings "ABC" while patting her thighs, "twinkle, twinkle, little star" and makes her fingers go in the air, "Row, row, row your boat", etc, etc. Obviously she can't pronounce the words but she is clearly singing the melody and the moves that she has learned at daycare are so cute!
- Eat! The kid is eating us out of house and home! She wants to eat all the time and whatever we are eating. The other night after she already ate chicken, potatoes and corn, she wanted some of our dinner. So, she ate cooked spinach, rice and tilapia! The other morning she ate 2 waffles and a piece of toast with peanut butter. All before 8:30am....
- She is trying to learn how to jump. It is the cutest thing, she does all the motions but doesn't leave the ground. I am going to try and get a video to post :)
- Talk. Listening to her learn new words is amazing. She has added the following words to her vocabulary:
- Elbow
- Knee
- Dirty
- please
- noodles
- She now says "abc" (she added the "c", I am working on "d")
- Two. When she counts before she goes down the slide she says "two, two, two!"
- "There it is". Again she doesn't pronounce it yet but you know exactly what she is saying!
- Nope
- Beach
- pee-ew. When she poops she pinches her nose and says pee-ew!
- Mine. She thinks everything is hers, we are working on sharing.....
What a cutie!

Surprise, surprise, she is eating.... :)

Our little singing angel