Josh and I have determined that Emmy must be going through a growing spurt. You'll never believe it but she slept in past 8am every morning and was still in bed by 7pm! She's also been taking a 2+ hour nap everyday and has been eating more food than you can imagine. In the midst of it all her four eye teeth have started poking through but she was been quite the trooper, they have not seemed to bother her at all.
We had a relaxing weekend, with no sun again. We have not seen the sun in almost a month until today! It is amazing how much the weather can affect your mood. But everything is fun with Emmy around.
Dancing wearing her tutu.

Nannie bought her a jean jacket, her new favorite item of clothing....

Another one of daddy's proudest moments, teaching his girl how to swing a golf club.

I can't believe she is sleeping that much! Good for her...growth spurt for sure :) Love the tutu.