Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tea anyone?

Busy Weekend

We had another great weekend! We headed to a concert in the park, followed the sun out east to a water park and hit up a b-day party. Emmy got to spend lots of time with her buddy Finn, they truly are buddies now, it is so cute :) The weather still sucks, not much sun in San Diego these days. Today was a little better and we're hoping August will be gloom free!

Listening to a Beatles cover band in Point Loma with Ava

Finn wasn't too interested in hanging with the ladies, but preferred to play on another kids skateboard. Such a boy!

Anne and I headed out east to try and catch some sun. We fit both car seats in my car so we could drive together. The two of them kept giggling away it was so cute. We went to this great water park that will be even better when it is hot because the water was cold! Emmy of course loved the "wa wa". Yes, the crocks came in handy yet again :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hair Cut

Emmy's hair has been growing longer but not necessarily thicker so it was getting pretty straggly. So, today we took her for her first haircut! She did great, especially when the girl gave her, her first ever lollipop :)

Such a diva

Monday, July 19, 2010

Our Lucky Day!

We've wanted to get Emmy a playhouse for the backyard for a while but it hasn't exactly been in the budget. I've looked on Craigslist but never found what we were looking for. This weekend we noticed a playhouse sitting in front of our neighbor's house down the street. It was there for a few days so Josh went to the door to ask if it was for sale. Apparently, someone was supposed to have picked it up but didn't so they gave it to us! Hot damn! I don't know who was more excited Josh or Emmy :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Growing Spurt?

Josh and I have determined that Emmy must be going through a growing spurt. You'll never believe it but she slept in past 8am every morning and was still in bed by 7pm! She's also been taking a 2+ hour nap everyday and has been eating more food than you can imagine. In the midst of it all her four eye teeth have started poking through but she was been quite the trooper, they have not seemed to bother her at all.

We had a relaxing weekend, with no sun again. We have not seen the sun in almost a month until today! It is amazing how much the weather can affect your mood. But everything is fun with Emmy around.

Dancing wearing her tutu.

Nannie bought her a jean jacket, her new favorite item of clothing....

Another one of daddy's proudest moments, teaching his girl how to swing a golf club.

Friday, July 9, 2010

She has moved onto Wedges...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day at the Park

Emmy and I had the best day today! The weather was still terrible so I decided to head over to the Children's Science Museum at Balboa Park. Us and the rest of San Diego... Apparently, the first Tuesday of every month it is free admission. So, I think every kid who is out of school, tourist and YMCA camp was there. The line just to get a tickets was seriously 1/4 mile long. At least Balboa Park has a ton to do so we just cruised around instead. We checked out the lily pad pond and some fountains and once the rides opened up we hit up the Carousel and the train. It was so fun to just spend time with Emmy, without any distractions. No emails, housework, phone calls, etc, just the 2 of us. She is just so sweet, she gets so excited to see everything and loves just walking everywhere holding your hand. I can't believe how lucky I am so have this permanent buddy for the rest of my life. I just love her so much, she continues to amaze me and always makes me smile.

Having a snack while watching the fish in the pond.

My attempt to take a picture of us on the train.

She now insists on eating the apple herself and even calls it an apple. She eats is well too, takes legitimate bites. Looks like I am going to have to cut it up before we go anywhere!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Holiday Weekend

Despite the ridiculously bad weather, we have had a great long weekend! It has been cold and gloomy all weekend, we are definitely ready for some sun! We went to the beach, had friends over for a BBQ and Emmy spent some time with her buddy Ava. The BEST part is I get another day off tomorrow! Wahoo! Emmy's daycare is closed tomorrow. At first I was a little pissed considering every day she is not there, including when she is sick and it is closed, we still have to pay. But I was able to take the day off of work to stay home with her so it worked out great! I get to live my dreams of being a stay-at-home mom for another day...

Trying to zip up Ava's sweatshirt. She is so sweet with other kids, especially babies.

I should start an album of Emmy kissing Finn!

Playing with Ava's sand table. Poor Anna is going to have some serious sweeping to do....

Saturday, July 3, 2010


It is amazing how much Emmy is talking these days, we are really going to have to watch what we are saying from now on! I like to keep track of the words so knows and in addition to the last list she now says the following:

- Bowl
- ruf ruf
- Paper
- Purple - she even knows the color! She picked up a pair of pants the other day and said "purple" and the next day she said it with socks.
- "AB" - this is what she now calls coloring, especially when she is holding a pen. She also know points to letters she sees and says "AB"
- Cheese
- Guac - she literally ate guacamole last weekend with a spoon!
- Shoes
- Beach - she LOVES going to the beach and gets all excited when we tell her we are going
- Oh Boy - this is what she says when we tell her we are going to the beach :)
- Alright
- Weee - this is what she calls the swings
- Nana and Papa
- Marc
- "Where are you?" - It certainly is not well pronounced but you know that is what she is saying
- Bed - you won't believe it until you hear it but she'll ask to go to bed
- Teeth
- Juice - well, she actually says duice
- She knows where her eyes, ears, nose and mouth are
- Best of all she now says EMMY!

She gets pretty shy in front of the camera but we were able to catch her saying her name. By the way, she insisted on wearing that hat and always puts it on why the brim sideways!

Blast from the Past

During my brothers move we inherited quite a few items to include a brand new blender, cuisinart and best of all a record player! Not only does my brother still own a record player, but he happened to be storing all our records from when we were kids - Sesame Street, Rafi, Sharon, Lois and Bram, etc. These records are OLD, I mean pre-Elmo days! Emmy loves listening to them, we danced all morning yesterday, it was really cute. It will be pretty cool one day when she is able to tell her friends her uncle gave her a record player considering none of them will know anything but an ipod!

Her newest move is spinning. We can to keep a close eye on her so she doesn't get too dizzy!