We all needed a break and change of scenery so we headed up to my parent's house last weekend to celebrate my Dad's b-day and their anniversary. It was so nice to get out of town and be spoiled and taken care of :) Josh and I got to go play tennis and lay out in the sun. It was great. I think Emmy had the most fun playing with her Nannie and Papa who spoil her rotten! My mom sure has a way of getting her all hyped up! They have so much fun playing together it is quite a sight to watch. At one point I looked at my Dad and asked "was she like this when we were growing up?". He just smiled and nodded his head. My mom literally RAN around the neighborhood pulling her in her wagon, had her sliding down the banister and giggling every minute. Emmy pretty much has "papa" down now and is working on "nana". Her newest thing is pulling up her shirt to show her "belly button". I think all my parent's neighbors have seen her belly.
Earning her keep with her new lawn mower
Her new ride
Showing her belly to the whole restaurant. What a pig. Some busser must have been cursing us after we left....
You'd think my mom would have been the responsible one....
Helping Papa open his presents. Happy b-day Dad!
Bored on the drive home, looking for some bears in the cave
what a neat time!!!! She is getting big:O)