Today I worked from home and it was one of "those days". Let's just give you a glimpse by telling you I had to clean poop out of the tub for the second time this week... Emmy would not stop trying to climb into our laundry basket that is whicker and nowhere near wide enough for a human being to climb into so I pulled a box out of the garage for her to play with. I thought she'd have a blast but it lasted for about 10 minutes. I left the room and when I came back I found her in this...

When she could have been playing in this...

She is definitely developing a personality these days. She continues to love her hats and her new thing is a plastic lawn chair we bought her. I mean how can you not laugh at how ridiculous she looks in her Santa jammies and a winter hat?! She was full of beans tonight!
Forget the cool toys they have...the boxes are the best!