Saturday, November 7, 2009

What a way to start the day

Emmy has been waking up in the middle of the night lately so I have been especially tired in the morning. This morning I was out of bed at 6:30am and was so tired. I could barely keep my eyes open while I was nursing her and was dreaming of a cup of coffee. Yes, I am breastfeeding and drinking coffee. As a full time mom and employee it is a must! I drink a cup after I feed her in the morning so I figure the caffeine is gone once i feed her again. Anyway, I got all 8 cups of water and scoops of coffee into the maker with her on my hip. Thankfully I had just enough coffee for this morning. As I was turning it on she pulled it over so it all poured out all over the counter, oven, in the drawer and on the floor. NOTHING is worse than cleaning up coffee grinds, especially wet ones. I put her in the highchair to start cleaning up the mess and she wouldn't stop crying so of course I started crying. I don't know if I was more upset about the mess and being so tired, or the fact that now I would't be able to have the cup of coffee I was dreaming about. Josh woke up to quite the scene today!

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly until Emmy peed on me on the way to the bath. If you can believe it I have gone 8 1/2 months without being peed on. I guess today was as good of day as any :)


  1. Not a way to start your day - especially a Saturday, your day "off"! .... Motherhood....
    You do an awesome job! luv you xox

  2. What a day! And I drink coffee and nurse, what ever helps you and doesn't hurt the baby:)I say!Hoping tomorrow you will get your coffee,and tonight you will get a good nights sleep:) Love u
