Monday, October 12, 2009

Missing Monkey Mondays

Mondays are usually busy days at work which is good it makes the day go by faster. There are times throughout the day when I get a waves of weird feelings and it takes me a minute to figure out what it is, I am missing my Monkey. It is beyond the typical feeling of missing something, it is a physical feeling over a mental one. I guess that is why it is not obvious to me at first. I could be thinking about something totally different and then it hits me - I miss her so much. Maybe because I also go from nursing her all weekend to pumping, so it literally is a physical feeling. I picture dropping her off in the morning and think about what she is doing at this moment. Did she eat her butternut squash again? What toys is she playing with? Is she snuggled up taking a nap? It doesn't matter, I just can't wait to be home to see her and give her a big hug!

All posts must have a picture, right? I know no one cares about what I write they just want pics so here you go! Hanging with her buddies on the couch.

1 comment:

  1. I care about what you write:) This post made me teary eyed. Love you cuz!
