Wednesday, September 30, 2009


You know when I am wearing a hat I am having one of "those" days. At least my brother got me a stylish Brixton hat so I feel a little more presentable. Today was a work-at-home day and man it was rough. I had a ton to do and Emmy was fussy all day. My conference call was originally scheduled during her nap time but got moved right to when I needed to feed her. So, I was trying to keep her occupied - quietly for about an hour. Challenging. Our work email server was having issues so I was getting emails 2 hours after they were sent. In the meantime co-workers we IMing me questions so when I got the email I never knew if I answered their questions or not. I am a little scatter brained at the best of times....

At the end of the day I just had to get out of the house so I ran to the store to pick up a few things for dinner. We decided to have pita sandwiches but when I got to the store they had NO pita! Usually they have about 8 different brands but today - NONE! I felt like Steve Martin in Parenthood when he freaked out about the hotdog buns, I just about lost it. I even went to speak to the bakery. Did they move? What do you mean you have no pita?! They even checked in the back. I took a few deep breaths, composed myself and picked up some wraps instead (which were actually really good!) When I got home Emmy was still fussy so I put her down for a nap. After about 20 minutes of crying she fell asleep only to be woken up by a solicitor phone call. Why do we have a home phone?! Little did I know she was working on a huge poop all day. We have been feeding her carrots so it was a lovely orange one. It was one of the worst yet. I am really nervous to start feeding her peas...

I finally got to take a shower at 8pm. Tomorrow can only get better right?! At least I know it won't be a hat day :)


  1. Any day I get a shower in I feel accomplished! I feel ya on the freak out moment in the store. Hopefully today is better :) xoxo

  2. OMG that's hilarious, Jen! I can't picture you losing your cool though :) Hope you had a better day buddy!
