Wednesday, September 30, 2009


You know when I am wearing a hat I am having one of "those" days. At least my brother got me a stylish Brixton hat so I feel a little more presentable. Today was a work-at-home day and man it was rough. I had a ton to do and Emmy was fussy all day. My conference call was originally scheduled during her nap time but got moved right to when I needed to feed her. So, I was trying to keep her occupied - quietly for about an hour. Challenging. Our work email server was having issues so I was getting emails 2 hours after they were sent. In the meantime co-workers we IMing me questions so when I got the email I never knew if I answered their questions or not. I am a little scatter brained at the best of times....

At the end of the day I just had to get out of the house so I ran to the store to pick up a few things for dinner. We decided to have pita sandwiches but when I got to the store they had NO pita! Usually they have about 8 different brands but today - NONE! I felt like Steve Martin in Parenthood when he freaked out about the hotdog buns, I just about lost it. I even went to speak to the bakery. Did they move? What do you mean you have no pita?! They even checked in the back. I took a few deep breaths, composed myself and picked up some wraps instead (which were actually really good!) When I got home Emmy was still fussy so I put her down for a nap. After about 20 minutes of crying she fell asleep only to be woken up by a solicitor phone call. Why do we have a home phone?! Little did I know she was working on a huge poop all day. We have been feeding her carrots so it was a lovely orange one. It was one of the worst yet. I am really nervous to start feeding her peas...

I finally got to take a shower at 8pm. Tomorrow can only get better right?! At least I know it won't be a hat day :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Josh's B-Day Weekend

Josh turned the big 3-0 this weekend! My parents present to him was a night out so they came down to look after Emery. We went to dinner with some friends and then stayed at a new, cool hotel downtown. I was pretty nervous to leave her, we hadn't left her for dinner let alone overnight! Obviously I knew she would be in good hands but I nurse her to sleep every night still so I wasn't sure how she'd be. My parents were gracious (and brave) to also look after little 8 week old Ava so Mark and Anna could come to dinner :) They both did great! Emmy was pretty fussy going to bed but after she finally fell asleep she was out for the night! Josh and I had a great time. The bars downtown were packed and the girls outfits were pretty ridiculous. Lets just say I prefer to be sitting on the couch in my pjs with a glass of wine :)

Helping daddy open his presents

Hanging out in the cabana

A night out!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

7 Months Old

I can't believe my little monkey is already 7 months old!  She is growing up way too fast!  Anne and Finn were over today and we were talking about how it feels like yesterday we were bitching about how long it was taking to get pregnant.  Now we are sitting with our 7 month and year old kids.  Before we know it we'll be dropping them off at Kindergarden!

Emmy has such a little personality, I love how happy she is all the time.  It is so much fun to just watch her explore.  She is really into the tupperware lately.  When will I learn that I can buy her all the cool toys in the world but she will be the happiest with my measuring spoons?!

What a pretty girl :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I have TWO teeth!

They are kind of hard to see in the photos but look closely on the bottom row. In person you can't miss them!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I finally made some time to make Emmy a little something. She loves her tag blanket (Thank you Aunt Amy and cousins Dylan and Elijah for sharing your blanket!). It is basically just a blanket with ribbon around the whole thing that are in the shape of tags. She touches each one and sucks on them, it is really cute. So, I decided to make her another "tag blanket". I pulled out my sewing machine for the first time in years, I can't believe I remembered how to use it! I cut off some real tags from a few things and used some ribbon I had. I bought a pretty turquoise flannel for one side and a hot pick silk for the other. It was super easy to put together, reminded me of how much fun sewing is. Next is a new curtain for the bathroom window and maybe some new cute bibs for Emmy.

Final product

Playing with her new blanket :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Harness

Our insurance company finally approved the second harness (damn!) so we went to get it today.  It is the same as the old one but pink.  Our new doctor happens to own the pink brand which is why we had to get it.  I told the tech guy that is why we were there and he was surprised to hear I knew that the doctor owned the harness brand.  I told him I think the whole thing is fishy and that is when he spilled the beans.  I guess the doctor recommended his daughter have her hips checked because they felt a little loose as well but he decided not to.  He felt Emmy's and said they were the same as his daughters and he thought they were fine.  Now he is not a doctor but the fact that he fits babies for these harnesses but wouldn't put his own kid in one confirms my skepticism about the whole thing.  Anyway, she will be sleeping in her harness once again, hopefully not for long...

If she could talk I know she'd say "Mom, really this thing again?!"

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Emmy gave me her first hug last night. Well, I know she wasn't really meaning to give me a hug but she woke up crying (I think it is because of her teeth) and put one arm around my neck and grabbed onto my arm with her other hand. Usually she just sort of hangs when I hold her but last night she was squeezing me tight, the best feeling ever! I'll be happy to get up with her anytime if I can get one of her hugs :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Girls Weekend

Josh left Friday to visit our friends Mike and Stacie to play in a golf tournament with Mike. So, Emery and I had a girls weekend! We played, danced, walked, went to the park a few times and shopped. Considering how much I love to shop and roam around the stores, it is a good thing she loves being in her stroller! She talks constantly these days. It was pretty funny taking her shopping because she sure did draw the attention with all her chatting and singing. I sure did miss having Josh around, I can't wait for him to be home tonight!

It is finally cooling off around here, it was actually pretty cool today! I loved it. I hate to say it but i am ready for some "cold weather". I know it never really gets that cold here, but it sounds nice to be cosy in a sweatshirt. It is supposed to get hot again by the end of the week, so I guess I should enjoy it while I can. Emery pulled out her bunny slippers for the occasion.

Playing with the tupperware. She was concentrating so hard, I think this was the only time the whole weekend she wasn't talking!

I gave her our rubber baster and she didn't quite know what to do with it...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pictures from this week

A few pictures and updates from the week

Family picture from the beach on Monday.  We went 3 days in a row!

Got my milk, all ready for daycare!  (She sure is strong, there were 3 bottles in there!)

Eating wasn't going so well (she gagged on the carrots, I thought she was going to throw them up!) so I took a few days off.  Either she was really hungry or just wanted to chew the spoon, but she could not get enough of the spoon today!  It was a little hard to take pictures, but I had to to show Josh.  Yummmmm!

I call this her new "ugly face".  Of course she could NEVER be ugly but she does this new thing where she scrunches her nose, breaths through her nose and sort of snorts like a pig.  Lovely :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I learned an important lesson today.  Always travel with at least 2 diapers, an adequate number of wipes, hand sanitizer and never rely on swim diapers to hold any sort of poop.  Enough said.

We headed to the beach today, it was a perfect day.  Emmy loves the beach, I think she really just loves to be outside.  Last time we went she couldn't sit on her own so today was a lot more fun.  I keep telling Josh to enjoy these days because next year we'll never be able to sit!

Anne, Noah and Finn came over for dinner tonight.  The babies are finally starting to get to know each other, maybe a little too well!

Carrot Monster!

I finally did it, I pureed my first baby foods!  I don't know why I picked one of the hottest days of the year, but I spent yesterday afternoon steaming carrots and boiling sweet potatoes.  All said and done, it was pretty damn easy and now I have enough frozen cubes to last weeks!

2 carrots and 1 sweet potatoes made all of this!

I think she may be starting to come around...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fun Day at the Office

I sure have been able to ease back into my work schedule after being off for a week.  Yesterday I worked from home and this afternoon we had a company lunch and we all got to bring our kids and dogs!  For those of you who don't know, I work in an awesome old Victorian house.  My office is in a bedroom.  The house has a great backyard so we were all able to hang out.  It has been super hot here, in the 90s, and the downfall of the house is no AC.  Let's just say the summers do not consist of very appropriate office wear!  

One of my co-workers joked that we was going to give pony rides for $.05 on his big black lab.  When I got back to the office with Emmy he had actually found and bought a saddle for the dog!  Of course Emmy wanted a ride, she really loves dogs now.  I think it is because she met our sweet Abby girl at such a young age.  We miss you Abner. 

Hanging out at Mommies desk.  As you can see, I have just a few pictures of her around my office :)

Riding Stella!

It was so hot when we got home we had to take a dip in the pool.  Cute new suit!  Can you believe that is a 12 month size?!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Greatest Week Ever

Having the last week off of work with nothing to do but spend time with my daughter and my husband has been the best.  I highly recommend a "staycation".  I got a chance to relax, run some errands, do some housework and most importantly spend time with Emery and Josh.  Today, my last day of vacation, I wanted to do something fun so I took Emmy to the zoo!  It was so much fun, I love the zoo.  Now that she is super into dogs I thought she may like to look at the animals but the only one she was really into was the stuffed monkey I bought her :)  I bought a year long pass so we can now go whenever we want!  I got a great workout pushing that stroller around the whole zoo.  For those of you who have not been to the San Diego Zoo, it has some very steep hils.  I seriously covered the whole zoo in less than 2 hours, I was on a mission.  I wanted to find the penguins because I told Emmy we'd see Petey's brothers and sisters (if you don't know who Petey is he is her favorite stuffed toy penguin :).  Come to find out they don't have any penguins at the zoo anymore!  Guess we'll have to hit up Sea World next.  We ended the day by going to the park and laying on a blanket.  Just doesn't get much better than that.  Having this week off was so wonderful, I am so sad thinking about going back to work.  I just wish I could spend everyday with my little girl taking her new places and doing fun things.  

My little monkey checking out the monkeys!

Just chilling with her new toy Murray the Monkey (Yes we give all her toys names!)

One of the elephants at the new exhibit

First time with a sippie cup and handling it like a pro!  There was very little water in it but it was as if she knew exactly what to do.  I finally got her to eat a few bites of cereal by having her hold the spoon too.  Maybe she just wants to feed herself?!