Thursday, July 30, 2009

Daddy Day

Wednesday I had to go into work for a new business meeting and fortunately Josh was able to stay home with Emmy.  Now, I have to tell you my typical work from home days are pretty crazy.  When Josh gets home from work I am usually still in my pjs, have not taken a shower and the house is a disaster.  Trying to work and look after a baby takes more time that you can ever imagine.  Sometimes I think he looks at me like I am nuts and I know he can't figure out why I can't find time to at least take a shower.  Well, this week he lived a day in my shoes..... Emmy was fussy all day and only took a few short naps, Josh admitted he got next to no work done.  I know I shouldn't be amused but it sure was nice to know he now understands what my days are like and to hear him say "I don't know how you do it!"

1 comment:

  1. I'm still waiting for that to kick in for a certain someone ;)
