Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hip Ultrasound Update

I probably should've explained in a little more detail why we had to have the ultrasound on her hip.  I think it may have sounded more serious than it was!  The doctor thinks that maybe when she was in the womb her hip did not fuze entirely into the hip joint.  It looks like it might be just a hair off which would only cause her problems later in life - I am talking in 40 years from now.  They can fix it now by using a brace but I don't think it will be necessary.  I am pretty sure she inherited it from her mom because I have loose hip joints that occasionally cause me problems.  I guess if that had the same sort of technology 30 years ago it may have been prevented :) 

1 comment:

  1. Jen - this hip "problem" is so common. I know two babies who have had to wear the brace when they were newborns. Glad to hear Emery will be a-okay :)
