Friday, October 15, 2021

Catching up

 Things have been going well in the Lawrence house. I am finally adjusting to my new job (starting a new job after 10 years is no joke!) and am really enjoying the challenge. Josh has started traveling again which means he's been enjoying lots of nice dinners and going to lots of sports games - Ha! Emmy is navigating being a tweenager at middle schools but making some new friends and juggling gymnastics and softball, all while maintaining her 4.0 grade average. She's insisted that she needs to start the year with 100% - I keep telling her not to put that kind of pressure on herself. Ryan loves being with his friends and playing baseball on a new team/league. He is also doing great at school - pulling out 100% on his math test! Thank god for smart kiddos :) Owie is as full of life as ever and growing up way too fast. He loves his friends at school and wresting with Ryan (having 2 boys is no joke!) And Sadie is literally my shadow - follows be everywhere. I both love it and it drive me nuts!

Thankfully I am still working 100% from home and the kids haven't had any COVID cases that have shut school down yet (wahoo!) so life is just as usual - chaotic but great!

Drinking boba team in her ripped jeans and fake finger nails - this is 12 

This damn puzzle was impossible! We were missing 6 pieces but had 2 that didn't fit anywhere. AHAHA

I think Josh was having a tough time watching from off the field. I think this is the first time ever he hasn't coached Ryan's team!

He doesn't have any buddies on his team but at least he gets to play against them :)

Okay, i lied, there was one COVID scare and Owen stayed home a day and we had fun!

Emmy and Ryan practicing baseball in the backyard - just like the good old days :)

Ryan's buddy Zach rented a party bus for his 10th bday and Ryan won "water pong" every time and earned $40 should I be worried?!

Meantime me and Emmy hit up the mall and shopped all day!

Lucky kids went to a Padres game with their friends on a school night!

Ryan doesn't start school until 8:55p which feels so LATE some mornings so we've been heading to the park with Sadie on the way and they love it!

Happy 42nd to my love! We actually had a dinner out! Emmy babysat for the first time. After she tackled Owen as he was running down the street screaming after us, it was smooth sailing ;) 

Poor guy spent his day watching a softball and baseball game eating fake cheese nachos